so, for now i find out how to set table in _G and use it.
here is piece of my code
lua\_newtable(L); lua\_setglobal(L, "\_CONST"); lua\_getfield(L, LUA\_GLOBALSINDEX, "\_CONST"); for ( NSString \*key in constants ){ if ( [constants[key] isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] ){ const char \*var = [constants[key] UTF8String]; lua\_pushstring(L, var); lua\_setfield(L, -2, [key UTF8String] ); } if ( [constants[key] isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]] ){ lua\_pushnumber(L, [constants[key] intValue]); lua\_setfield(L, -2, [key UTF8String] ); } } lua\_pushboolean(L, (isProduction) ? 1 : 0 ); lua\_setfield(L, -2, "PRODUCTION" ); lua\_pop(L, 1);
but anyway, if the solution with launch args will appear, please, let me know.