IOS InApp Pop-up Not Allowed, but Google InApp Becomes Pop-up

I am using the iap_badger.

Google is currently operating its in-app pop-up with the configured source code. However, there is no pop-up for purchases with the currently configured code on the Apple Store.
The test method was performed by checking the Sandbox ID and app, but no in-app pop-up was shown.
I ask for advice on how to solve the problem.

IOS Debug Results
I don’t think you can call the local function PurchaseListener (product) function. Is there a solution?

Corona version 2020.3575
IOS SDK 13.3

Thank you very much

Hi there,

If you’re not able to make a purchase on iOS, it may be the products aren’t set up or published correctly in the iTunes console.

If you’re using IAP Badger, you can check this by doing a call to iap_badger.getLoadProductsCatalogue() and printing out the contents of the product catalogue to the console.

If no products are available, the problem is that your IAPs aren’t available yet within the iTunes console.

Simon :slight_smile:

If it works perfectly in 12.x version and is in 13.x version, it seems to be a problem.

Product registration is normally approved at the App Store.

Hi there,

If you’re not able to make a purchase on iOS, it may be the products aren’t set up or published correctly in the iTunes console.

If you’re using IAP Badger, you can check this by doing a call to iap_badger.getLoadProductsCatalogue() and printing out the contents of the product catalogue to the console.

If no products are available, the problem is that your IAPs aren’t available yet within the iTunes console.

Simon :slight_smile:

If it works perfectly in 12.x version and is in 13.x version, it seems to be a problem.

Product registration is normally approved at the App Store.