I keep getting this intermittent error within XCode where everything gets compiled and linked but when the app starts, plugin can not be found. I can not see why that is happening.
2014-02-21 15:49:12.255 Mini[835:60b] Platform: iPhone / iPhone5,3 / 7.0.4 / PowerVR SGX 543 / OpenGL ES 2.0 IMGSGX543-97
2014-02-21 15:49:12.341 Mini[835:60b] Runtime error
module ‘pluign.vcp’ not found:resource (pluign.vcp.lu) does not exist in archive
no field package.preload[‘pluign.vcp’]
no file '/var/mobile/Applications/82908241-4EFE-43AF-A2C7-DC70D27FBBE6/Mini.app/pluign.vcp.lua’
no file '/var/mobile/Applications/82908241-4EFE-43AF-A2C7-DC70D27FBBE6/Mini.app/pluign.vcp.lua’
no file './pluign.vcp.so’
no file '/var/mobile/Applications/82908241-4EFE-43AF-A2C7-DC70D27FBBE6/Mini.app/pluign.vcp.so’
no file './pluign.so’
no file '/var/mobile/Applications/82908241-4EFE-43AF-A2C7-DC70D27FBBE6Mini.app/pluign.so’pluign.vcp
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'require’
?: in function 'require’
/protected/ios/…/Corona/main.lua:1: in main chunk
Does anyone have a good way of dealing with this stuff? I tried cleaning up derived data and clean and build and all that other useless stuff.
The strange part is if I inspect the actual binary that gets produced
17:29:16 Mini.app > nm -ao Mini | grep plugin_vcp
Mini: 5307d1a8 - 09 0001 OSO
Mini: 0000bfd8 T _luaopen_plugin_vcp
Mini: 0000bfd8 - 01 0000 FUN _luaopen_plugin_vcp
the stuff seems to be correctly in place. So, why can not lua find the plugin? Any clues?