Has anybody been able to successfully launch their app’s app store review page from within iOS7?
I reported this to Apple way back starting with beta 1 (radar 14373701), and it got some attention as they’ve asked me to test after every new beta, but it’s never been fixed. It’s still an issue even with the latest beta.
This has nothing to do with Corona SDK as my Xcode apps also have this problem.
I use this link format (replace <my-app-id> with a valid app id):
http:// itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewContentsUserReviews?id=<my-app-id>&pageNumber=0&sortOrdering=2&type=Purple+Software&mt=8
It works perfectly up to and including iOS6, but iOS7 fails to load the page.
It fails even if you try to open the link in Safari on iOS7.
Unless it’s fixed, any buttons/menu-items from within our apps that launch the App-Store review page will not work in iOS7…