i have the 4s
I am unable to open the photo library in Corona. The app instantly crashes. It doesn’t even show the debug warning like in my code.
My code:
if media.hasSource( media.PhotoLibrary ) then media.show(media.PhotoLibrary, {listener=function(e) local photo = e.target; if (photo) then profilePic.start(photo); -- my code transition.to(settings.gui.main, {time=600, x=1300, transition=easingx.easeInOut}) end end, origin=settings.gui.pictureChange.contentBounds, permittedArrowDirections = { "any" }}); else settings.deb = true; native.showAlert( "Uh Oh!", "[DEBUG] This device does not have a photo library.", { "OK" } ) end
Hey, thanks guys for all this hard work.
Now, just a little bit more…
I’m extremely anxious about installing iOS7 on my phone because it’s the only iPhone device I’ve got for testing on and it’s what I run my life by!
Would any of you good guys be able to post a detailed description of how you got iOS7 safely installed and how much data you lost in the process, please? (I’m desperately trying to figure out the risk factor - but I really want the new iOS!)
Thanks guys,
@horacebury I’d never install beta software on a production device where I have data I rely on. It’s way too risky. I’d recommend getting an iPod Touch 5th generation for your iOS testing.
IOS7 is working flawless. No worries.
No, you can not go back to IO6
Everything is working - if you are not developing for IOS7 you are behind the power curve.
End of message
Matt i installed iOS7 on my iPhone, the one i use everyday. No problem. Just download newest version of itunes and the .ipw from the developer portal, then backup your iphone and proceed with the installation. i lost nothing.
You CAN go back to iOS 6. I did it. (you might brick your phone if it goes wrong though ;))
Flawless functioning of the new iOS depends on the device. It is really flawed on the 4. it is working on the 5. 4s, not sure.
Make a full back up before you install. When upgrading you will loose nothing.
When you want to downgrade. you will need to download the stable version non beta from the dev portal.
And do an install of that.
Your device will be wiped, full factory reset. But if you have a full backup you can restore your apps and data. Maybe not all your gamecenter and save games. Depends on the apps. I did it and lost nothing, but I used iCloud. so numbers etc aer all back. via iTunes the apps were put back.
Thanks guys. I’ve read articles such as this one: http://www.thefullsignal.com/apple/iphone-4s/14886/how-install-ios-7-beta-iphone-4s-right-now
While my phone is my production phone and very valuable to me, I’m probably willing to risk bricking it. I’ve read a lot of positive feedback about the stability of this beta etc.
However, I’d love to know what process you guys have used to install the beta without wiping - especially you, Juf Jannie.
I just did a back up, then via iTunes I did the option click on the update button, selected the new build and iTunes took over and afterwards all my apps etc where still there.
Nothing special othern than the regular steps.
Downgrading will wipe everything. But the iTunes backup can set most items back if not all. (mine was missing some apps so it didn’t place em all back)
Maps are not working right in iOS 7
iOS 7 working fine on my 4S. I’ve tried quite a few apps and they seem ok except for Plants vs Zombies! Maps seems ok, (although I generally tend to use other mapping apps). The phone does crash sometimes when swapping between apps by double-clicking the home button, but it’s not a major issue for a beta that handles multitasking in a different way.
Just to be clear, this topic was supposed to be about your corona compiled apps not about wether iOS7 works and especially with apps that have no relevance. When I said maps don’t work right, I’m talking about the maps in my Corona based app.
I found the same - no issues with IOS7 at all…i’m surprised actually.
This is for apps built on a machine with XCode 4.x and not 5.x right? Thanks for sharing your findings.
Which version of xCode did you use to transfer? xCode 5?
@Juf Jannie
Yes, I used Xcode 5 to transfer the apps to my iOS7 device.
ok, thanks.
System is still downloading xcode 5.
Curious if corona can build apps with it.
Reading the notes for Xcode 5. ussually it says in big bold type that it can’t be used to build apps for the appstore. Might this actually work…
I suspect we need to wait for CoronaLabs to add iOS7 support before we can trust any Xcode 5 builds.
Just a word of warning:
After installing Xcode 5, the Xcode path will be changed to point to the Xcode 5 package.
If you intend to build any apps for release with Xcode 4.x, remember to change the path with xcode-select from the command-line.