iOS8-Specific Problems with Corona SDK

Is anybody aware of any problems that iOS8 causes with Corona SDK? Things that are not related to builds and submissions.

For example, what am I going to needs to tweak to get an app working fine on iOS8 that already worked fine on iOS7?


PS - This is concerning a course that I finished that’s about to be published – can’t publish until I figure out what iOS8 might have conflicted with.

Can’t speak for every aspect of Corona but all my stuff is working with no issues, I don’t however use widgets but use everything else like physics, display, particles etc.

I have been testing my apps, both published and in development, and so far have found no issues with iOS8 on my iPhone5S and iPad Air. I am also using widgets - scroll views, table views, switches and pickers (including modified source code to allow scaling) - with no problems, as well as Widget Candy and Particle Candy.

Thanks, guys.


As far as iOS 8 is concerned, we did find some issues with permissions if you build with the iOS 8 SDK (Corona Build dialog). You need to stick with iOS 7.1 SDK builds until we fix this in our daily builds. The permission issues are with Location (GPS, MapView), Local/Push Notifications, Camera and PhotoPicker. Apple changed permissions in iOS8 GM.

I have found a serious problem with iOS8 - it appears that you can no longer register a device for push notification!

I am now seeing this error message in the device console …

registerForRemoteNotificationTypes: is not supported in iOS 8.0 and later.

This is happening when starting a new build of an app that was previously working on iOS7 so my push notifications no longer work as I cannot retrieve a device token!

An update on location services in iOS 8 and daily builds:

>As far as iOS 8 is concerned, we did find some issues with permissions if you build with the iOS 8 SDK (Corona Build dialog). You need to stick with iOS 7.1 SDK builds

This advice didn’t work for me. That is, building with iOS 7.1 SDK and yesterday’s daily build still gave me an error (“CoronaAppName is depending on legacy on-demand authorization, which is not supported for new apps”) and the iOS 8 location request failed.

Fortunately today’s daily build does fix this, I’m happy to say…

I am getting this warning from Google (adMob) that the SDK needs to be updated to support iOS8.

\<Google:HTML\> You are currently using version 6.8.0 of the SDK, which doesn't officially support iOS 8. Please consider updating your SDK to the most recent sdk version, 6.12.0, to get iOS 8 support, including a fix for smart banner rendering in landscape mode. The latest SDK can be downloaded from A full list of release notes is available at

I cannot get a device token on ios8. Please do something about it.


@nappa can you provide more details?  What version of Corona SDK are you using?  Are you doing an Enterprise build or an SDK build?

Can’t speak for every aspect of Corona but all my stuff is working with no issues, I don’t however use widgets but use everything else like physics, display, particles etc.

I have been testing my apps, both published and in development, and so far have found no issues with iOS8 on my iPhone5S and iPad Air. I am also using widgets - scroll views, table views, switches and pickers (including modified source code to allow scaling) - with no problems, as well as Widget Candy and Particle Candy.

Thanks, guys.


As far as iOS 8 is concerned, we did find some issues with permissions if you build with the iOS 8 SDK (Corona Build dialog). You need to stick with iOS 7.1 SDK builds until we fix this in our daily builds. The permission issues are with Location (GPS, MapView), Local/Push Notifications, Camera and PhotoPicker. Apple changed permissions in iOS8 GM.

I have found a serious problem with iOS8 - it appears that you can no longer register a device for push notification!

I am now seeing this error message in the device console …

registerForRemoteNotificationTypes: is not supported in iOS 8.0 and later.

This is happening when starting a new build of an app that was previously working on iOS7 so my push notifications no longer work as I cannot retrieve a device token!

I’ve a business app that is OK as far as I build it with Pro DB that allow 7.1 SDK

When I use more recent DB, including 2484, I get strange behaviour on iOS 8.x,

  • images disappaear or align differently from expected behaviour in Landscape Mode

  • maps not working in Landscape Mode

Built with 2456 : ok on iOS 7 and 8

built with 2484 : ok on iOS 7, bugs as mentioned above

I cannot post the full app but will try to check with a smaller piece of code.

An update on location services in iOS 8 and daily builds:

>As far as iOS 8 is concerned, we did find some issues with permissions if you build with the iOS 8 SDK (Corona Build dialog). You need to stick with iOS 7.1 SDK builds

This advice didn’t work for me. That is, building with iOS 7.1 SDK and yesterday’s daily build still gave me an error (“CoronaAppName is depending on legacy on-demand authorization, which is not supported for new apps”) and the iOS 8 location request failed.

Fortunately today’s daily build does fix this, I’m happy to say…