IP Anonymization in Google Analytics Plugin

With GDPR coming, we are also interested in this. 



Corona, can you please expose this setting in your Google Analytics plugin, in time for GDPR? 



I’ve brought this up to the team.


Monthly bump. Cheers

Engineering is investigating it.


Hey there, guys!

Updated plugin version is public. Take a look at new init parameter anonymizeIp @ https://docs.coronalabs.com/plugin/googleAnalytics/init.html#anonymizeip-optional

Make sure that you’re using a Corona Sim at least of version 3326 to get Google SDK and new API update.

Following, we need this as well or will have to remove Analytics from our apps.

If you can get this working, I am also in.

Just use the REST API and then you control the data sent to GA.  Sure it is more work for you but being in control is worth it.

On another note, how do you create analytics on GA for a new mobile app? In my account dashboard, you can only create a new property for a website. If you select mobile app, Google directs you to Firebase.


Hi Rob,

Any feedback from the Corona team on how to anonymize IP with the GA plugin?


We’ve been rather busy. This looks like it may have slipped through the cracks. I’ve re-asked.


Hope we get an answer soon.


Thanks to perflubron for explaining how to anonymize ip for Google Analytics, visit this topic.

Hmmm… I don’t see how that solution (submitting ipa=1) works with the plugin

-Doesn’t that just apply to using Google Analytics through the REST API?

Hey Any update on this? Looking for alternatives to my current analytics Craig

Unfortunately, I don’t have any updates.

Any news on this?  Would like to use the built in Google Analytics plugin but need anonymized IPs.

I’m asking about it.


Sorry… but any update?

Unfortunately, I don’t have an answer here. Let me ask again. 
