iPad (RETINA) Update

One question though: if we compile with Xcode 4.3.1 to support iPad retina display what is the minimum os version we are supporting… is it still 4.3? [import]uid: 103459 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 93972[/import]

Starting with Corona build 707, iOS 4.3 is the minimum OS supported. [import]uid: 7559 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 93973[/import]

As information, I have run into the transparency problem on iPad 3 running 5.1, iPad 2 running 5.1, and original iPad running 5.0.1 [import]uid: 103459 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 93975[/import]

@dave197 : re: alpha issue. doubtful it is due in large part for iPad Retina. It maybe a bug and we will address it in a few days. Thanks for the feedback.

All, thank you for feedback and for patience and support.

We will provide additional information in the days to come.

Thanks, have a great weekend and happy coding on the new iPad Retina


Carlos [import]uid: 24 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 93978[/import]

agreed. Thanks for the quick turn around on the fix for the iPad Retina. You guys are great. [import]uid: 103459 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 93979[/import]

screen scaling looks good with updated .767, the only problem I am seeing now is inconsistency in positioning newRetinaText objects, and reading width/height of said objects. I’ll post more details when I can find a pattern in how it’s behaving.
Thanks all
[import]uid: 31041 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 93981[/import]

@scott() you could aways create your own display.newText with the font size being 4x and scaling down… :wink:

we will look asap.

[import]uid: 24 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 93984[/import]

@carlos - thanks. The app I’m using all of the retinatext objects in isn’t released yet so not urgent.
[import]uid: 31041 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 93988[/import]

can we use xcode 4.3.1 iPad (& Retina) simulators? my app is only showing up in the iPhone (& Retina) simulators…

[EDIT: FALSE ALARM] - Its working [import]uid: 66859 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94000[/import]

I tried the 767 build with Xcode 4.3.1 and the game now looks underscaled on iPad 3. I see a quarter sized image in the middle of the screen. Before 767 I saw part of an oversized image mostly located off-screen. Now what ?

these are the settings that I use:

content =
width = 768,
height = 1024,
scale = “none”,
fps = 60
}, [import]uid: 95911 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94003[/import]

Thanks so much for the quick fix. Now if Apple just did not take so long to get the updates out. I imagine it is going to be over a week with all the new submissions of developers trying to capitalize on Retina Display early. [import]uid: 8533 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94011[/import]


You can’t set scale to “none” and expect it to scale. Try setting it to “zoomEven”. [import]uid: 7559 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94039[/import]

thanks! it works with zoomEven. [import]uid: 95911 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94081[/import]

Will the fix in build 767 eventually work with the latest stable build or just 767 and forward? [import]uid: 39370 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94084[/import]

Any plans on offering a retina iPad in the Corona Simulator? Would be quite useful. [import]uid: 84258 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94085[/import]

Using Corona 704a, Xcode 4.3.1 the iPad Retina simulator scales the content way too many times.

application =  
 content =  
 fps = 30,  
 width = 768,  
 height = 1024,  
 scale = "zoomEven",  
 imageSuffix =  
 ["\_2"] = 2,  
 ["@3"] = 3,  
 ["-bar"] = 3.3,  
 ["-foo"] = 4.5,  

-Oskar [import]uid: 24111 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94118[/import]

Build 704a doesn’t work with iPad Retina devices. Only build 767 will display correctly on iPad Retina. [import]uid: 7559 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94119[/import]

Will there be a new build open for everyone that supports iPad Retina soon? [import]uid: 24111 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94121[/import]

The team scrambled to get a fix for Corona Subscribers in record time (the same day the iPad Retina was released). iPad Retina support will most likely be available for everyone when we do our next public release. We don’t have a schedule for that release at this time. [import]uid: 7559 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94126[/import]

Hi everyone .

My apps were built with previous version of Corona and they appears to be ok except when viewing on the new iPad . So I installed .767 build today and app displays correctly . The only problem is that some buttons appears in different location . In addition, the button does not response when clicking on it .

I suspect this has to be with the way the new build handle the higher resolution of retina dispelay . Does anyone else have the same issues ? if so, how do you correct this ? Do you need to add any codes in the build.settings file ? Just to mention that this issue is in the Corona Simulator . I will try to build and run on the real device shortly.
[import]uid: 75708 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94129[/import]