iPad (RETINA) Update


We haven’t had any reported issues like this. Does this happen on the iOS iPad Retina simulator too?

Does the buttons work if you touch the screen where they should be?

Can you create a simple project demonstrating the problem and file a bug report? We can look at on Monday.

Update: The Corona Simulator doesn’t simulate the iPad Retina, only the iPad. Are you saying the button are misplaced on the Xcode iOS iPad Retina simulator?

[import]uid: 7559 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94131[/import]

Thought that I would let everyone know, that the apps that are affected by this are any app that is built for the iPad, no matter scaled or not. Although apps that are built for iPhone and then are put on the new iPad do work fine, and do actually work well.

Source: I have the new iPad

I saw rob ask this, and carlos wasn’t sure, if someone had posted after, my apologies.


And good luck Ansca crew! [import]uid: 86879 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94171[/import]

I now built my app with build 767 and installed it on the iPad 3. While it fixes the 1/4th-screen-issue, it doesn’t show my new additional made-for-2048x1536 Retina graphics, which I named as @4x. (If I’m resubmitting to Apple anyway, I wanted to do so with Retina graphics.) Please help? The following is my config.lua file, am I making a mistake?

[code]application = {

content = {
width = 768,
height = 1024,
scale = “letterbox”,

imageSuffix = {
["@4x"] = 2,



Thanks so much!

Edit: Also tried with using @2x and renaming all files, still same issue. [import]uid: 10284 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94169[/import]

@swello, thanks for that info! I saw other people asking this question and was wondering about this for my own apps. [import]uid: 29384 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94176[/import]

I rebuilt my app for the new iPad3 using build 767 and Xcode 4.3.1. Everything works as it should in portrait mode.

When I switch to landscape mode the main display looks and works fine but when I bring up a popup window to enter in a new parameter, the window (a newRoundedRect) and it’s associated controls display in the 1/4 scale mentioned above. I only see the bottom corner of the rectangle.

At this point, I can’t close the window because the buttons and the numeric keyboard are off screen. I have to exit the program, shut it down, then restart it.

I see the same thing happening on my iPod Touch 4. This wasn’t happening before I upgraded to build 767 and Xcode 4.3.1.

[import]uid: 27620 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94191[/import]


Please create a simple project demonstrating the problem and file a bug report. We can look at it on Monday. [import]uid: 7559 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94200[/import]

Here’s an additional issue: fonts aren’t supersharp. Possibly it was an issue before and it’s just more “in your eye” on Retina display.

For instance, try creating a 1024x768 iPad project with letterbox scaling (using @2x graphics for Retina etc.), then write a text font size 18 using native.systemFontBold. The result looks a bit blurry, not as sharp as the rest of the app.

Thanks! [import]uid: 10284 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94243[/import]

Fingers crossed, rebuilt my apps Learn My Name and Puppet Show with 767 and sent to apple yesterday morning. I requested an expedited review and they granted it. From what I have heard that can still take a few days. I’ll update when they go live.

Has anyone with a new iPad tested the native text input? [import]uid: 110373 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94282[/import]

Brad, may I ask, how does one request an expedited review? And what are the qualifications needed to have it be granted? Thanks! [import]uid: 10284 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94326[/import]

@brad: if you’re referring to native.newTextField(), that does appear to work fine on retina iPad.
[import]uid: 31041 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94328[/import]

Ok apple granted my request and the app is live:

24 hours from submit to live :slight_smile:

After you submit, at the bottom of iTunes connect is a contact us link. Follow that and look for expedited review. You fill out 2 contact forms to get it sent in then they choose to accept or deny it. They have drop downs for critical bug fix, ect…

Can someone with a new iPad retina try out My app? If you need a promo code email me. It’s my username on the forum at gmail.com

It may be the first 767 live in the app store [import]uid: 110373 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94329[/import]

Brad, just bought your game to test, and it runs perfect on the iPad 3. Congrats! [import]uid: 10284 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94332[/import]

Philipp thank you! I do some funky stuff to get the text the right size on input for name change and I was worried the retina display, native objects, and system device calls would mix badly. [import]uid: 110373 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94338[/import]

More information on previously-mentioned newRetinaText problem on iPad retina:

I have discovered two problems with newRetinaText when used on a new iPad or the XCode simulator running in iPad(Retina) mode:

1 - Setting the .text property to change the text after the object has been created has no effect. This appears to happen consistently.

2 - This does not happen consistently – it seems to only happen on certain font sizes (?). Passing X/Y coordinates in the call to newRetinaText will sometimes place the text at x/2,y/2. Setting the .x and .y properties after the object is created repositions the text correctly.

Thanks [import]uid: 31041 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94352[/import]

hi there,

i discovered that with the new iPad the performance of the storyboard API decreased dramatically. i have a eBook like app (swipe left / right to change scenes) and on the iPad 2 everything went smooth.

for example:

i have a button that opens another storyboard screen. simple as that.

reactiontime to change screens on iPad 2: almost immediately
reactiontime to change screens on iPad 3: 2 - 3 seconds

has anyone of you experienced the same issue?

cheers [import]uid: 42936 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94397[/import]

Here’s a bug with 767: using display.newRetinaText() will have a font showing much smaller on the iPad 3 than it does on the iPad 2. Of course, I could adjust font sizes manually or pick newRetinaText vs newText manually after parsing the device version, but that kind of opposes the whole dynamic scaling approach. Guess ideally, we’d only have a single newText function and Corona will then understand on which device it is, and adjust accordingly, and have the text be as crisp as possible… feature wish here, thanks guys! [import]uid: 10284 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94433[/import]

@mschmidt - I also have a storyboard app that slowed down. On the new iPad the screen transitions are now taking 2 sec.

UPDATE - I found a forum thread where it was suggested to remove storyboard transition effects. I did that and my screen transitions are now lightning.

Forum thread:

http://developer.anscamobile.com/forum/2012/03/19/ipad-3-storyboard-really-slow-performance [import]uid: 27976 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94442[/import]

Fingers crossed, rebuilt my apps Learn My Name and Puppet Show with 767 and sent to apple yesterday morning. I requested an expedited review and they granted it. From what I have heard that can still take a few days. I’ll update when they go live.

Well done.
I’ve been watching this for a few days now and very very nervous about the new iPad / new Xcode / new Corona
I have a horrible fear of upgrading this stuff and breaking everything.

So, what did you have to do to your app to make it work, other than download 767?
Config changes?
Does this need a new Xcode too?
[import]uid: 108660 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94460[/import]

Has anyone tried zoomStretch in his or her config file with the new iPad? [import]uid: 1560 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94477[/import]

Also, does system.getInfo(“model”) == “iPad” return true for both the iPad (Retina) and iPad 2? Or is there another way to identify the specific model beyond screen dimensions? [import]uid: 1560 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94484[/import]