iPad (RETINA) Update

Please, comment, could you make 704A build (or make new 704B) compatible with The new iPad? [import]uid: 9058 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94519[/import]

For my release I changed almost nothing.

I use Git for version control. I rolled back to the version that I had currently in the store. I made a branch called RetinaFix. I built that against the 767 build.

I rolled back because both my apps have new development that is not ready for live yet.

I tested the files on the iphones and ipads I had handy then sent it along to apple with my fingers crossed.

Neither of my apps has support right now for @2x graphics. I did not create an Icon-72@2x.png

-Brad [import]uid: 110373 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94521[/import]

> So, what did you have to do to your app to make it work,
> other than download 767?

Here’s what I did, I’m currently submitting my reworked app.

  • grabbed 767 on Win and Mac

  • made backup of the old app version

  • added Retina size graphics (I have everything saved twice the size originally to begin with), named them @2x, added in the config.lua

imageSuffix = { ["@2x"] = 2, },

  • added “Icon-72@2x.png” to CFBundleIconFiles, saved that icon

[code] iphone = {
plist = {
UIStatusBarHidden = true,
UIPrerenderedIcon = true,
UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = true,
CFBundleIdentifier = “siege-towers.versuspad.com”,

CFBundleIconFiles = {


self.size = misc.getIf( appGetIsRetina(), fontSize \* 2, fontSize )

function appGetIsRetina() local isIt = false local info = system.getInfo('architectureInfo') -- e.g. 'iPad3,1' if info ~= nil and info ~= '' then info = info:lower() local isPlain = true isIt = not ( info:find('ipad1', 1, isPlain) == 1 or info:find('ipad2', 1, isPlain) == 1 ) end return isIt end

  • used UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = true in build.settings, I believe back when I originally compiled it was true by default but these days seems to be false by default (and I didn’t need it for my app; it can cause troubles in case your app ever has an issue)

  • (reworked several things that are related to my specific projects)

  • increased app version in code, so that when people email feedback I know which version they talk about

  • build and tested the app thoroughly on iPad 1, 2 and 3, backed-up the new version, created distribution certificate, grabbed the new Xcode from the new Mac Store, including thew new Application Loader, adjusted app description in iTunes Connect to mention Retina, got translations for the issue fix news (my apps are available in Chinese, English and German), then uploaded

  • asked Apple for expedited review, as described by Brad above [Edit: Apple granted expedited review, this is great] [import]uid: 10284 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94493[/import]

I aggree with @Andriy Pertsov. My 4 apps are all built with Corona 706 for compatibility reasons. Since people bought them I don’t want to say “sorry but your device is incopatible now”.

I would be glad if the Ansca stuff can deal with this. [import]uid: 111017 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94539[/import]

My first iPad 3 app update with added Retina graphics went live in the store… thanks Corona for making the fix available so quickly! http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/siege-towers-for-two/id423691021 [import]uid: 10284 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94554[/import]

So are people creating 2 versions of each image or just 1 retina image ?

It confuses me all this stuff.

My App is universal, I designed it for iPad using iPad 1 size graphics and it works fine on iPhone 4 and iPod.

Dave [import]uid: 117617 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94576[/import]

> So are people creating 2 versions of each image or just 1 retina image ?

Dave, first of all, you don’t *need* to create Retina graphics. All you need to do is recompile your old code and graphics using build 767+. Then in addition, you can optionally decide to add Retina graphics if you like, while you’re at it.

What I did was to add a second, larger file, naming it @2x and referencing it in the configuration as described above. Creating just a single larger file, then scaling down, might be an option too, but note that this likely affects texture memory and creates an overhead (plus, you’d have to adjust sizes and coordinates and things already written in your code).

Importantly, the @2x file is an actual higher original resolution design, not just a blown-up version of the old iPad file (as latter wouldn’t increase quality). In my case, I have all files around twice the original size to begin with for most of my apps, so I just needed to export from graphics editor format to PNG. An easy way to do is is to open the original iPad 2 file, increase the size x2 (so that you get the correct file size, as there may be rounding errors if you just take the original graphics editor file resolution), then paste a layer of the original hi-res graphic over it and see if it fits, then save as filename@2x.png.

While you do so, you may want to keep an eye out for the overall app file size. I’m not sure though if it makes an important difference for the iPad if it’s below or above 50MB (the phone line download limit, as I understand it). For my app in question, I made the compromise of deleting a few unimportant, already-meant-to-be-blurry-background-effects-graphics @2x variants (as well as language-dependent variants for Chinese), in order to squeeze the file size to 49-something Megs.

Good luck, in any case!

[If the moderators here think non-bugs discussion should be moved in another thread that would be fine too. Don’t want to write too much that’s not about bugs, which I think this thread was about.] [import]uid: 10284 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94580[/import]

Cheers Philipp.

Will rebuild tomorrow and test on my iPad 1, if it looks ok will submit it.

Dave [import]uid: 117617 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94584[/import]

Hello Everyone,

I am currently using XCode: 4.2 (4C199) on MacOSX 10.6.8 - with Corona release build 704.

I am very close to submitting my game to Apple. The game is well tested on my current configuration, so I do not want to do any kind of upgrades - unless it is mandatory from Apple.

My question is, do I have to upgrade to Mac-Lion & Xcode-4.3 now ?
Or, is it fine if I continue with my current configuration below ?

Mac OS X: 10.6.8
XCode: 4.2 (4C199)
Corona: 704

If I submit my game, using my current configuration above, will Apple reject it ?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

[import]uid: 63121 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94596[/import]

I just updated my iPad2’s software today, and it appears it no longer supports installation of my Corona apps. I built them with today’s update. I’m still on Snow Leopard. I even tried App to IPA on them; still no install… [import]uid: 124116 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94601[/import]

You may have hit the same issue I did on Saturday. It’s apple not corona. Did you update your ipad2 to 5.1 ? If you did you can only use it with Xcode 4.3 which only works with lion. I was working on fixing my apps for iPad 3 when I hit the same problem. I had to upgrade to lion and then get the new Xcode and then apps could transfer to 5.1 devices fine. If that’s not an option for you, try using test flight to copy the apps to the device. That will still work from snow leopard.
-Brad [import]uid: 110373 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94602[/import]

When I rebuild my app with 767, it seems to work well with one big exception. The animations run incredibly slowly in the xcode retina simulator. I have about 20 animations that all use sprites, so this is a big problem. Will using new imageSheets/ display.newSprite code speed up the animations? Any suggestions? [import]uid: 70558 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94610[/import]

yes, to 5.1. had I only known… wish there was a way to revert. I don’t want to upgrade to Lion. I have read many unflattering things about it. just registered my iPad with TestFlight. will figure out what comes next. thanks for the 411, Brad! [import]uid: 124116 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94613[/import]

@joyce : this is a known bug on the simulator *NOT* on the device. We are looking into it but from our testing and feedback from our users, it is not affecting device performance.


C. [import]uid: 24 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94618[/import]

“To install this beta, open this page on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.”
I keep getting here, but nothing is installed. what step am I missing?..thanks! [import]uid: 124116 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94621[/import]

Thank you, Carlos! I resubmitted my app to Apple, and requested an expedited review. I need to get my hands on an iPad 3 to really test it, but for now, this is good news. [import]uid: 70558 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94624[/import]

At what point should we begin reporting ipad retina issues as bugs instead of in this thread?
Clearly the major issues have been addressed; are others mentioned here being addressed as well, or should we file bug reports?
[import]uid: 31041 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94644[/import]


anytime. it is open season for bugs :wink:


Carlos [import]uid: 24 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94649[/import]

Hi all, just a quick update here.

We have published a special daily build (a rebuild of 704a, the last public release, using the iOS 5.1 SDK). This is known as 704b.

There are no core code changes, besides adding version info, so this should theoretically be as stable as 704a. However, we are publishing this as a daily build for now.

Once it’s been fully baked, we’ll deploy it so folks who are using 704a will automatically be using the 704b device bullds. If you are a trial user, you will have to wait until we deploy before you can get a proper iPad3-aware device build.

Subscribers can get 704b here:

http://developer.anscamobile.com/release/2011/704 [import]uid: 26 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94665[/import]

I am a trial user and just downloaded the latest SDK and see that the build is labeled 2011.704 in the title bar of the Welcome window and not 2011.704A as detailed in Using Corona With Xcode 4.3 excerpted below. Thanks.

We have resolved the Xcode 4.3 problems starting with build 756 and now have back-ported it to the release build, 704, for our trial users and those who want to use the released version to build their apps. (This new build is labeled, “2011.704A”, which is displayed on the title bar of the Welcome window.) [import]uid: 103746 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 94668[/import]