iPad (RETINA) Update

Relatively new to Corona, just got one-star “app is useless!” review from irate iPad 3 owner. While trying to quickly resolve retina issue, got first-ever ‘invalid bundle’ error …

Setup WAS: 10.6.8, Xcode 3.2.5, Corona 2011.591
Setup NOW: 10.6.8, Xcode 4.2, Corona 2012.767

Testing on iPad 1 & iPad 3 running iOS 5.1, development build runs fine. Distrib builds fine.

I activated CFBundleIdentifier line in my build.settings file for final build and got ‘invalid bundle’ error. Sounds like I can delete that line and submit.

First, I’d like to confirm 2 things:

  1. Per a post recommendation, to make Xcode 4.2 work with iOS 5.1, I added xcode_431_lion.dmg’s version.plist and DeviceSupport/5.1 & Latest(alias) files to Xcode 4.2 folders.

  2. Corona 2012.767 seems to hang after any build; amber clock animation runs until you quit or relaunch.

Is dmg-file plucking fine; amber-clock normal; just delete CFBunID line and upload?

I greatly appreciate any feedback you can give. Thanks very much. Best, Lynne
[import]uid: 11631 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97221[/import]

Please don’t double post questions to the forums.

See my answers here: http://developer.anscamobile.com/forum/2011/12/12/bundle-invalid#comment-97339 [import]uid: 7559 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97340[/import]


The New iPad simulator is so large I cannot see all of it on the screen. I’m not sure what use zooming in would be in this circumstance. My question is - should it be this size?

all the best

Sean [import]uid: 101690 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97397[/import]

Yes it’s supposed to be this size. The sizes of the simulator devices are all relative to each other so you can get a good feel how it will look on each device.
Pressing cmd-3 actually zooms out! Not in. If you still can’t see the entire device you might have to resort to moving it up-down while testing to see all of the simulator screen. ;-(
[import]uid: 123200 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97465[/import]

cmd-3 don’t appear to do anything on my machine. Will investigate further. On the relative size thing, the iPad Retina is the same physical size as the iPad 2 and should therefore be the same size in the simulator? Is this the case in your experience?

all the best

[import]uid: 101690 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97482[/import]

@Naomi Thanks I will use 704B. I did buy a new Macbook Pro Yesterday so I’m all set in that area. The only thing I’m lacking is an iPad 3 for testing and don’t see getting another until the 4’s come out. I’ll have to find a volunteer for thar. Thanks again for the response. [import]uid: 8384 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97539[/import]

Well since the dots per inch on your screen stays the same, simulating a higher dpi, as is the case with the iPad Retina, means increasing the physical size of the object. So an iPad1 or 2 should be 1/4 the size of the iPad Retina on your screen to show the differences of your graphics on these devices.
Strange that the cmd-1,2,3 doesn’t work.
Check the menu of the iOS simulator (not the Corona one! perhaps that was our misunderstanding? :-)) under Window-Scale
In the Corona Simulator you can use CMD-+/- to zoom in and out.

Cheers [import]uid: 123200 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97546[/import]


Thanks for your helpful patience. I’m not always this slow, I hope.

All the best

Sean [import]uid: 101690 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97561[/import]

Hopefully, this is the correct place to post this. Sound doesn’t play for my app on the new iPad. Here’s what’s happening:

-Released app fine with 704 before the new iPad came out
-Upgraded to 767 to make a release for the new iPad
-Builds and runs fine (had to fix a small issue where widget buttons no longer have button.view)
-Installed the app on a current gen iPod, everything works fine
-Installed the app on the new iPad, everything works fine, except that it doesn’t play sounds

Here’s the code I wrote to play sounds in my app:

AudioPlayer = class(function(c)  
 c.SOUND\_MILLIS = 5000  
 c.sound = nil  
 c.channel = nil  
 c.volume = 1  
function AudioPlayer:loadSound(soundName)  
 self.sound = audio.loadStream(soundName)  
function AudioPlayer:playSound(soundName)  
 self.channel = audio.play(self.sound, {duration=self.SOUND\_MILLIS})  
 audio.setVolume(self.volume, { channel=self.channel} )  
function AudioPlayer:stopSound()  
 if (self.channel) then  
 self.channel = nil  
 if (self.sound) then  
 audio.dispose( self.sound )  
 self.sound = nil  

Please, let me know if I’m doing something wrong or if this is indeed an issue with the new iPad. Thanks! [import]uid: 125079 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97835[/import]

As a note, I’ve tested the AudioPlayer sample app, and it doesn’t work on my new iPad either. However, the SimpleSoundRecorder works. I’m investigating now… [import]uid: 125079 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 98154[/import]

Ah, I found it… this bit of code at the top of the Simple Recorder…

-- iOS 5 -only workaround for known Apple bug (Bug ID:9948362 and 10508829)  
local platVersion = system.getInfo( "platformVersion" )  
platVersion = string.sub( platVersion, 1, 1 )  
if system.getInfo( "platformName" ) == "iPhone OS" and platVersion == "5" then  
 if audio.supportsSessionProperty then  
 audio.setSessionProperty(audio.MixMode, audio.PlayAndRecordMixMode)  

I’m surprised that I didn’t see it anywhere else in the docs… [import]uid: 125079 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 98883[/import]

That code is for mixing recording and playback and shouldn’t affect playing audio on the new iPad. AudoPlayer sample uses the old media play APIs. You are mixing apples and oranges here.

I haven’t had anyone else report audio problems on the new iPad.

If you are having problems and think there is a Corona bug, file a bug report with a short sample project demonstrating the problem. [import]uid: 7559 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 98886[/import]

I am still having problems getting some of my apps to display properly on the iPad 3 Retina.

I have xCode 4.3.2 installed and iOS 5.1 on my iPad 3 Retina. I am using the 704a patch for Corona.

My problem is that although all of my apps run perfectly well in the simulator, some of them don’t work on the device. I literally have two apps that are pretty much exactly the same other than images. One of them works on the iPad 3, one of them just shows up as a white screen. I build them minutes apart from one another, yet only one of them works. Help! What am I doing wrong? I need to get my app updates on the market before we lose all of the good ratings we have. [import]uid: 51895 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 100363[/import]

@iconosys_dev, have you tried using 704B?

Daily Build 704B came after 704A. You can fetch it by clicking on the Daily Build link up top and download it from there. It’s the one that came between Daily build 768 and 769. My game app works perfectly fine with New iPad (retina) when I build it with 704B.

By the way, 704C might be in the works and may be released later on – so it wouldn’t hurt to check daily releases regularly. (I don’t remember what issue 704C may fix, though.)

Naomi [import]uid: 67217 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 100365[/import]

Sorry, I meant to write that I had tried 704B. The thing is that some of my apps work with this update, but some of them just show up as a white screen. It’s crazy because these apps work in the xCode simulator but not on the device!

Is there any way I can access the iPad’s console so I can see what’s happening at run-time? Or can I send an APK to anyone who can tell me what is going wrong? [import]uid: 51895 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 100370[/import]

iconosys_dev If you submit a Bug Report we can try to have someone look at it:
http://developer.anscamobile.com/content/bug-submission [import]uid: 10668 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 100377[/import]

@iconosys_dev, if that’s the case, I have no clue why it isn’t working for you. If I were you, I’d start a new thread and include config.lua plus some other relative code that might be tripping your app.


Edit: Ah, nice one, David. It sure would help. [import]uid: 67217 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 100380[/import]

@iconosys_dev, build.settings? [import]uid: 124116 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 100387[/import]

Hi all-
Same problem here… My app works perfectly on the iPad 1 and 2, but appears blown up in the iPad 3 w/ retina display (screenshot at: http://goo.gl/6mBGp). Here is the code I am using… Any help would be greatly appreciated!

if system.getInfo(“model”) ~= “iPad” and system.getInfo(“model”) ~= “iPhone4” then
application =
content =
width = 1536,
height = 2048,
fps = 60,
scale = “zoomStretch”,

imageSuffix =
["@2"] = 1,

application =
content =
width = 1536,
height = 2048,
fps = 60,
scale = “zoomStretch”,

imageSuffix =
["@2"] = .5,
["@4"] = 1,
[/code] [import]uid: 126736 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 104456[/import]

definitely still happening. just started learning corona, and cannot build the ‘getting started’ example called ‘timeAnimation’. works on other iOS devices but not iPad3 - it is blown up (also occurs on iOS simulator)
I have run the terminal command to point to latest xCode, and using latest Corona SDK build.
Bug report submitted, need help!
G [import]uid: 146743 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 106977[/import]