Relatively new to Corona, just got one-star “app is useless!” review from irate iPad 3 owner. While trying to quickly resolve retina issue, got first-ever ‘invalid bundle’ error …
Setup WAS: 10.6.8, Xcode 3.2.5, Corona 2011.591
Setup NOW: 10.6.8, Xcode 4.2, Corona 2012.767
Testing on iPad 1 & iPad 3 running iOS 5.1, development build runs fine. Distrib builds fine.
I activated CFBundleIdentifier line in my build.settings file for final build and got ‘invalid bundle’ error. Sounds like I can delete that line and submit.
First, I’d like to confirm 2 things:
Per a post recommendation, to make Xcode 4.2 work with iOS 5.1, I added xcode_431_lion.dmg’s version.plist and DeviceSupport/5.1 & Latest(alias) files to Xcode 4.2 folders.
Corona 2012.767 seems to hang after any build; amber clock animation runs until you quit or relaunch.
Is dmg-file plucking fine; amber-clock normal; just delete CFBunID line and upload?
I greatly appreciate any feedback you can give. Thanks very much. Best, Lynne
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