iPad (RETINA) Update

Thanks for the support, with your pointer I managed to solve my problem.
I also added in the build.settings the support for the PortraitUpsideDown orientation.

It is now working with the following files for the iPad and retina iPad:

[import]uid: 47531 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 95195[/import]

Just wanted you guys at Ansca to know that the first version of the iPad retina simulator in Corona is great!
You’ve just beaten Apple! Yours actually works and can be used to test my apps in!!

[import]uid: 123200 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 95283[/import]

Hi Carlos, still relatively new to Corona. I do all my development on a PC and transfer the code across to a MAC for the building. Have a new Ipad 3 (or whatever its called). Downloaded 772 for both machines to allow for Retina issues. On the Mac version, there is an Ipad Retina view option but there isn’t in the PC version.

Also I have a help section derived fronm the listview tutorial and while the top level is fine, lower levels are blank. Probably a resolution issue.

Keep up the good work - fantastic product

Adrian Sen [import]uid: 83824 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 95411[/import]

Adrian I suppose it’s just not implemented yet, but yeah, it would be a fantastic addition to have. I also develop on Windows here. [import]uid: 10284 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 95419[/import]

I don’t use newRetinaText as it’s deprecated, but even when compiling with build 772, my text outputted with newText is tiny on the iPad 3, compared to the iPad 2. Help please? I’m using the same font size and have dynamic scaling enabled, so it should scale dynamically, but apparently doesn’t… [import]uid: 10284 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 95894[/import]

It’s great to have only one display.newText function to use everywhere but there seems to be an issue when setting the text width. The following works fine:

tx = display.newText("this is a text string", 10, 300, 60, 0 )  

with the text being wrapped.

But if the text string is shorter, for example:

tx = display.newText("this", 10, 300, 60, 0 )  

then, since the text is shorter than the max width of 60, it becomes stretched to fill the width instead of just appearing at its normal size.

I tested this on build 773 (using iPhone4 simulator). [import]uid: 29384 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 95897[/import]

Ec2, fyi, I had to double the font size even for iPad 2 now, with this build. Neither newText nor newRetinaText worked universally for me. I’m now using newText at twice the size than before (again, even on iPad 2), with an additional deviceIsRetina-check to double the font size once more on iPad 3. (In all of this, the simulator showed different results than the device, so all testing had to be done by loading the app on the device again.) Also posted this into the bug reports subforum: http://developer.anscamobile.com/forum/2012/03/24/font-size-ipad-3-wrong-device-even-build-772 [import]uid: 10284 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 95910[/import]

@ec2 Same issue here. Have you reported a bug? [import]uid: 40334 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 95913[/import]

I’ve done a bit more testing of the new display.newText in build 773, including looking at the contentWidth calculation using the following code:

x, y = 50, 50  
txt = display.newText("test", x, y, 60, 0 )  
rect = display.newRect( x, y, txt.contentWidth, txt.contentHeight )  
rect:setFillColor( 111, 0, 0 )  

On 3GS and 4S devices and simulator, the text is stretched out (as I mentioned in the previous post). I unfortunately don’t have a new iPad to test this on so if someone could test this and add to the thread, that would be helpful.

For Android, on the simulator, the text appears stretched. On an Android 3.1 tablet, the text appears fine, but I think that the red background box should have the width of the text instead of the max width of 60.

I see that there have been quite a few other posts recently about issues with newText, so I hope Ansca can issue a fix soon! It would be great to have just one text function for all device types.

@yogamatta, from Carlos’ post to this thread on Tuesday, I’m not sure if I’m supposed to submit a separate bug request. Carlos, please let me know and I’ll submit one.
[import]uid: 29384 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 96085[/import]

quick: we are aware of the text stretched problems and a few other that krept up…

we are working on them asap.

sorry for terseness. i will read more once settled in office

C. [import]uid: 24 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 96186[/import]

Hi, I installed Xcode 4.3 (and I have also updated the path to the the newer) and want to build a new update of my game in appstore for iPad (retina) that is having the described display problems (1/4 of visible display).

Everyone is talking about a 704b build (former 704 with the Ipad3 patch). I checked the daily builds and the stable build but only saw the 704a build.

When building with 704a there isn’t any reference to ipad3 and the console information still refers to Build: 2011.704.

Can you help me please?
Tanks in advance. [import]uid: 109913 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 96387[/import]

http://developer.anscamobile.com/release/2011/704 [import]uid: 9058 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 96518[/import]


Just testing my new app on iPad retina simulator. The simulator is life-sized on my screen, which means, as I’m working on a 13inch, I can’t see all of the simulator.
Have I missed a post somewhere or is this the way it’s “supposed” to be?

all the best

Sean [import]uid: 101690 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 96686[/import]

Hi Sean,
Did you try hitting the CMD-1/2/3 buttons to zoom?
[import]uid: 123200 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 96694[/import]

Thanks Ansca for the “stretched text” fix! I’ve just tested on iPhone and iPad using 775 and it now looks fine. [import]uid: 29384 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 96969[/import]

A questions about the retina stretch problem and 704a.

I am working on getting a new macbook pro so I can install Xcode 4.3. My current build system is 10.6 and Xcode 4.2.

Can I simply compile my app with 704.a and submit the build as an update? Will this fix the scaling issue?

In various threads I’ve read it’s unclear whether we need 10.7 and Xcode 4.3 in order to complete the build process. We’ve received a bad review for one of the apps and I’m assuming it’s an iPad 3 with the scaling issue. We don’t have a way of contacting the users to confirm this. I would like to address the issue as soon as possible and don’t have access to an iPad 3 or a current build system to test with so I’m flying blind ATM.
Thanks in advance. [import]uid: 8384 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97070[/import]

@statonrichardson, you might want to grab 704B, which is the version of 704 released on March 20th after 768. Click on the Daily Build link up top, and you can download it from there.

I wonder why Ansca hasn’t officially released 704B – are there still some issues with the build? I’m using 704B for my release build.

Naomi [import]uid: 67217 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97153[/import]

yes we need to move it … UUID is holding us since we may need to push a new one out … 704C … yikes… :wink:

[import]uid: 24 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97159[/import]

Madness never ends, does it. Thank you for all the efforts you and your tearm are exerting. We all appreciate it.

Naomi [import]uid: 67217 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97183[/import]

@statonrichardson, 704B does not have the text stretching problem so either use that one, or the latest build. [import]uid: 29384 topic_id: 23417 reply_id: 97192[/import]