Iphone 5 And Zoomstretch Scale Mode Not Work

Why does this config.lua file work perfect for all devices in the simulator and when I transfer the app to an iphone 5 it has again the black borders? Any idea or is the scale mode zoomStretch not working on a device?
Thanks for any help

– config.lua

application = { content = { width = 480, height = 720, scale = “zoomStretch”, fps = 30, antialias = false, xAlign = “center”, yAlign = “center”, }, }  

– build.settings

settings = { orientation = { default =”landscapeRight”, supported = { “landscapeLeft”,”landscapeRight”, }, }, iphone = { components = {}, plist = { UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend = false, UIStatusBarHidden = true, CFBundleDisplayName = “ABCDEFG”, FacebookAppID = “1111111111111111″, CFBundleURLTypes = { { CFBundleURLSchemes = { “fb1111111111111111″, } } } }, }, }  


Possibly a stupid question, but do you have the correct size default image for the iPhone 5? I believe it needs to be named ‘Default-568h@2x.png’. That will start your app in ‘tall mode’.

And it needs to be 640px wide and 1136px tall.  Drop it in the folder with your main.lua or Apple will not recognize you as supporting tall devices.

Thanks a lot the help with the Default-568h@2x.png works perfect…


Possibly a stupid question, but do you have the correct size default image for the iPhone 5? I believe it needs to be named ‘Default-568h@2x.png’. That will start your app in ‘tall mode’.

And it needs to be 640px wide and 1136px tall.  Drop it in the folder with your main.lua or Apple will not recognize you as supporting tall devices.

Thanks a lot the help with the Default-568h@2x.png works perfect…
