iphone 5 simulator


I have tried to get my simulator into “iphone5 tall” mode by including a launch image named

“Default-568h@2x”(png file) but it does not seem to remove the black bar on the right side.

This is my config.lua:

system.getInfo("model") if string.sub(system.getInfo("model"),1,4) == "iPad" then application = { content = { fps = 60, antialias = false, width = 360, height = 480, scale = "letterBox", xAlign = "center", yAlign = "center", imageSuffix = { ["-hd"] = 2, ["-ipadhd"] = 4 }, }, notification = { iphone = { types = { "badge", "sound", "alert" } } }, LevelHelperSettings = { imagesSubfolder = "SpriteHelper", --levelsSubfolder = "LevelHelper/Levels", directorGroup = nil } } elseif string.sub(system.getInfo("model"),1,2) == "iP" and display.pixelHeight \> 960 then application = { content = { fps = 60, antialias = false, width = 320, height = 568, scale = "letterBox", xAlign = "center", yAlign = "center", imageSuffix = { ["-hd"] = 2, ["-ipadhd"] = 4 }, }, notification = { iphone = { types = { "badge", "sound", "alert" } } }, LevelHelperSettings = { imagesSubfolder = "SpriteHelper", --levelsSubfolder = "LevelHelper/Levels", directorGroup = nil } } elseif string.sub(system.getInfo("model"),1,2) == "iP" then application = { content = { fps = 60, antialias = false, width =320, height = 480, scale = "letterbox", --xAlign = "center", --yAlign = "center", imageSuffix = { ["-hd"] = 2, ["-ipadhd"] = 4 }, }, notification = { iphone = { types = { "badge", "sound", "alert" } } }, LevelHelperSettings = { imagesSubfolder = "SpriteHelper", --levelsSubfolder = "LevelHelper/Levels", directorGroup = nil } } elseif display.pixelHeight / display.pixelWidth \> 1.72 then application = { content = { fps = 60, antialias = false, width = 320, height = 570, scale = "letterBox", xAlign = "center", yAlign = "center", imageSuffix = { ["-hd"] = 2, ["-ipadhd"] = 4 }, }, LevelHelperSettings = { imagesSubfolder = "SpriteHelper", --levelsSubfolder = "LevelHelper/Levels", directorGroup = nil } } else application = { content = { fps = 60, antialias = false, width = 320, height = 512, scale = "letterBox", xAlign = "center", yAlign = "center", imageSuffix = { ["-hd"] = 2, ["-ipadhd"] = 4 }, }, notification = { iphone = { types = { "badge", "sound", "alert" } } }, LevelHelperSettings = { imagesSubfolder = "SpriteHelper", --levelsSubfolder = "LevelHelper/Levels", directorGroup = nil } } end 

For testing purposes I am using a simple image you can find here:


It´s just a white image with a width of 640 and a height of 1136 px

I can not test this on a real iphone5/5S device, so I need my simulator to react properly.

Help is very appreciated!


Okay, the problem seems to be related to the scaling of the graphics. There is NO difference between “letterbox”, “zoomEven” and “zoomStretch”.

Nevermind, I fixed it by following this “tutorial” http://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/39348-why-the-fuss-with-configlua-and-variable-aspect-ratios-alternative-code-inside/ by rakoonic

I had to change the x/yAlign and the height to 480 in to get it working.

Okay, the problem seems to be related to the scaling of the graphics. There is NO difference between “letterbox”, “zoomEven” and “zoomStretch”.

Nevermind, I fixed it by following this “tutorial” http://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/39348-why-the-fuss-with-configlua-and-variable-aspect-ratios-alternative-code-inside/ by rakoonic

I had to change the x/yAlign and the height to 480 in to get it working.