iPhone 6 / iPhone 6+ simulator skin configurations for Corona SDK, these are pre-set with screen resolutions of the new devices for those that need to test their layouts and graphics against the new screens.
Instructions: Create two files “iPhone6.lua” and “iPhone6Plus.lua” with the code below and place them in your corona skins directory (see below), then simply select the Skin from the Corona SDK emulator screen.
– Corona Skin Directory info courtesy of Perry Clarke –
On Mac, the best place to put custom skins is: ~/Library/Application Support/Corona/Simulator/Skins/ On Windows, it's a bit variable due to different versions of the OS putting your home directory in different places but in general it's something like: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Corona Labs\Corona Simulator\Skins\
— iPhone6.lua —
simulator = { device = "ios-phone", screenOriginX = 0, screenOriginY = 0, screenWidth = 750, screenHeight = 1334, displayName = "iPhone 6", isUprightOrientationPortrait = true, supportsScreenRotation = true, windowTitleBarName = "iPhone 6 (750x1334)", }
— iPhone6Plus.lua —
simulator = { device = "ios-phone", screenOriginX = 0, screenOriginY = 0, screenWidth = 1080, screenHeight = 1920, displayName = "iPhone 6+", isUprightOrientationPortrait = true, supportsScreenRotation = true, windowTitleBarName = "iPhone 6+ (1080x1920)", }
Note. these skin configurations are provided for testing only and may require a Pro account to work, for those requiring additional functionality please await official corona sdk support.
For other details relating to iPhone 6 / 6+ and launch images .etc, see: http://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/51066-screenshots-and-new-iphone-size-compatibility/