We now know that on an iPhone 6 Plus, everything is rendered at a virtual pixel resolution of 1242 x 2208 and then downsampled to the device’s physical pixel resolution of 1080 x 1920.
I haven’t gotten my hands on an iPhone 6 Plus yet and hence the following questions.
For iPhone 6 Plus –
Within Corona SDK, what values will be returned for display.pixelWidth and display.pixelHeight? Will it be the physical resolution of 1080 x 1920? Or does the Corona API rely on iOS for these values and because of this will 1242 x 2208 be reported by iOS and in turn Corona will do the same? I’m not entirely sure of this as Apple mandates that the launch images for iPhone 6 Plus be of the sizes 1242 x 2208 (portrait) and 2208 x 1242 (landscape).
The concept of downsampling is not new to Corona developers. It usually produces great results. However, one area where this approach falls a bit short is graphics drawn sharply at a pixel-perfect level (one example is Photoshop pixel patterns that contain minute and intricate details). If such an image were to be downsampled, the image does look a bit blurry. To avoid such problems on the iPhone 6 Plus, can we render everything at 1080 x 1920? Is that allowed or even possible?