IronSource (Supersonic) ads audio issue on iOS

Since a long time, there’s a feature somewhere deep in the ironSource ads plugin that has been going along with Corona/Solar2D which disables audio from all other sources on iOS when a multimedia ad is played (static/interstitial). Other engines apparently give an option to turn off this feature in their ironSource implementations but it seems to be missing in Solar2D.

The outcome of this is that on iOS, every time a user returns to the app after watching an ad, they don’t get any audio from the app unless they remove it from focus and bring it back to foreground. I’ve tried working around this by simply setting audio.setVolume(1) after the ad is closed but that doesn’t help.

Does anyone know of a workaround for this and if it has to be done inside the plugin, is someone willing to take this up for a fee?

Have you checked the plugins on Solar2D Marketplace or Solar2D Plugins?

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Wasn’t aware that Scott had done an ironSource plugin

@Scott_Harrison The documentation for the ironSource plugin seems broken. Can you please check?

There’s this one too:

Couple of decent IronSource plugins out there. I was trying to check out one by one starting with @Scott_Harrison’s 1-week trial version but the documentation is not to be found(404 error). Would really help if someone could post some information here.

Please check now