Is Anyone Not Got The Payment From Revmob This Month?

@codingcake: I emailed my contact and put out a word for you. Give us an update on your case?

Hi : 

  I just got payment in today morning (2013/03/29).

It seems they were very busy because paypal’s issue at this month.

So they miss my payment.  after contact with right personal.

They solve my problem quickly  :) 

Hello Everyone,

My name is Jan and I work for RevMob.

First of all, in the name of the RevMob team, I would like to apologize for the payments delay we had on March. We acknowledge how important it is to be paid on time and, therefore, we are sorry for the whole confusion.

Just to clarify the situation, Paypal canceled hundreds of transactions without warning or reason. This also affected other networks and companies that use their service, as you all know. On our end, these cancelations affected our whole payment process (which, in normal conditions, is 100% automated) and even wire transfers were affected, since we had to run everything manually.

We are already taking the proper measures to make sure payments are processed smoothly this month. I reinforce that RevMob understands the importance of paying our publishers on time and we will always be compromised with that.

Regarding emails not being replied some of our customer service replies are coming from a different domain so we can track all our interactions with our users and improve our customer service. If you haven’t heard from us please check your email spam folder or contact me directly at


