Is is possible to dial up/down the processing need of Particle Candy?


I have to admit that i am having a lot of fun with Particle Candy (I did not even have time to play with Text Candy which i also bought) In any event, I am in the process of improvement my app which uses a lot of explosions on the screen. I started using this GREAT Profiler tool:

It shows me where the bottlenecks in my code (to the code line level!) I was able to improve my game code greatly. Now I am looking at the biggest part of the code that takes the most time during game play.

(PC is the big red box with update() function.

Of course it is PC (which is expected for the amazing effects it allows) I am pretty sure PC code is super optimized already but I am curious if it is (or will be) possible to dial up/down the performance of PC during game play. For instance, it will be great if I could reduce PC processing power need if the frame rate goes below a certain FPS.

Just curious if there were something in the PC code currently that would allow an easy way to dial up/down the processing need of PC.
In any event, PC is an amazing piece of code!


ps: of course I am working on reducing the number of particles, size and so on and still keep good looking explosions… [import]uid: 49236 topic_id: 19480 reply_id: 319480[/import]

Function update() manage whole fx by Particle Candy or Text Candy, this is why it require so many power :slight_smile: [import]uid: 12704 topic_id: 19480 reply_id: 75453[/import]

Yes I am sure your right. And I think it is optimized but I was just wondering if there were a way to dial down the proccesing need when the FPS goes down to a certain value. For instance would it possible to skip frames rendered during that time and not affect the visual too much to the point the player can see it? I suppose I could call update() less often when the FPS drops to much. I am using the autoUpdate() right now. Would stopping and restarting the update work and do not add too much overhead?
Thanks again for taking the time.

Mo [import]uid: 49236 topic_id: 19480 reply_id: 75528[/import]

Not a very robust solution - but you could go through the PC Update function and eliminate any routines you aren’t using in your project. That can cut lots of overhead, if your VFX are in a final state. [import]uid: 65996 topic_id: 19480 reply_id: 75861[/import]

Thanks Simon. That’s a great idea. I did not think about doing that!


Mo [import]uid: 49236 topic_id: 19480 reply_id: 75864[/import]