Hi guys,
I am now struggling with Admob and I was wondering if I can show 2 banners on my game - one from the
left side and another from the right side of the screen.
I really need this because in the middle I am having an important gameplay element which I’d like to be seen.
I have registered 2 banner ads in admob and I have 2 different IDs for them but it seems when you initiate the ads you only give one of them. For example:
local provider = “admob”
– replace with your own application ID
local appId = “ca-app-pub-…”
local appId2 = “ca-app-pub-…”
– load Corona ‘ads’ library
ads = require “ads”
– use function ad listener
ads.init( provider, appId, functionAdListener )
Is there a way to show 2 banners and is there a way to set width and height of the banner so it’s not stretched on the entire screen?
Thanks a lot