Is there any way to turn off logging?

Particle Candy is great, but is really noisy in the logs and can make it difficult for me to debug other items. Is there anyway to disable the logging? 



From the Particle Candy Hints and Tips docs:

  • Disable debugging
    By default, Particle Candy provides detailed debugging messages to let you know what’s going on backstage. Once your project reaches a final stage, you should disbale debugging messages to gain performance. You can do this by editing the variable “debug = true” to “false” on top of the library file. There are also some other vars you may want to tweak like the strength of global gravity or the colors of emitters and force fields.

Nice, I didn’t realize that’s how it’s configured. Thanks!

From the Particle Candy Hints and Tips docs:

  • Disable debugging
    By default, Particle Candy provides detailed debugging messages to let you know what’s going on backstage. Once your project reaches a final stage, you should disbale debugging messages to gain performance. You can do this by editing the variable “debug = true” to “false” on top of the library file. There are also some other vars you may want to tweak like the strength of global gravity or the colors of emitters and force fields.

Nice, I didn’t realize that’s how it’s configured. Thanks!