Is there something simmilar to Signals?

Hey … I am quite new to Solar2D (and to be honest I am impressed with) . I have been trying out Love2D for quite some time in the past - so I was just curious, is there something similar to hump.signal aka the Observer pattern in the Solar2D world? Be it a Lua component or a Solar2D Library.

  1. Solar2d already has an Observer pattern implementation in EventDispatcher:

  2. hump.signal seems to be a pure Lua library. Those can be used as-is in your Solar2d project just by adding them anywhere in the main directory and then accessing them using the correct notation (“folder.filename”)

I use option 1 all the time like this:

eventDispatcher:addEventListener("ads", function()
-- Do something.

Which would be the equivalent of:

Signal.register('ads', function()
    --Do something

Emit or dispatch an event:

dispatcher:dispatchEvent( { name="ads", type=event.type,provider=adProvider.providerName } ) 


Signal.emit('ads', event.type, adProvider.providerName, )
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Aaah nice. Thanks so much. Was really looking for this.

Yes, it does seem like pure Lua, but in essence didn’t want to be caught off-guard by a Love2D specific implementation just in case.

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