isBodyHtml not showing images.

This is some code I used to add in images:

local options = {

subject = “playbarfriends”,
isBodyHTML = true,
body = “[html] ARE YOU READY?
ARE YOU READY? [/html]”

native.showPopup(“mail”, options)
But everytime in my Android, it just shows a bold ‘ARE YOU READY?’, a non bold ‘ARE YOU READY?’, and a tiny box written ‘obj’.

Anything wrong? I am using version 2013.1020 [import]uid: 143031 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 335801[/import]

Sorry, I pressed too many ‘save’ button, how to remove the duplicate one? [import]uid: 143031 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142402[/import]

Have you tried sending the email and seeing what actually gets sent? [import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142432[/import]

Yes, in my Android gmail app (compose form), it shows a bold ‘ARE YOU READY?’, a non bold ‘ARE YOU READY?’, and a tiny box written ‘obj’.

But when I send to myself in gmail, I got ‘ARE YOU READY?’, both non bold.

Anyone can copy the code on top and test it?

thanks. [import]uid: 143031 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142444[/import]

I have an app I’m testing that also sends emails with html bodies, so I was able to test out your code on a couple devices.

On an iPad it worked fine. I saw the logo image as part of the email between the two 'ARE YOU READY’s.

On a Nook Color (older version of Android) the email did not contain the logo. So something definitely wrong on the Android side.

It’s been my experience with my own app that some core Corona functions have different behaviors on different versions of Android, or just plain don’t work. I’ve submitted bugs to Coronalabs for issues like this and for the most part have had positive results getting them fixed, but you need to supply a reproducible case. [import]uid: 9422 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142461[/import]

Thanks HardBoiledIndustries.

Corona provided us a great cross platform tool, but some how, communicating with native features are really pain in the ass. We would be glad happy if we have options to do it natively using Java or Objective C, if something not working.

[import]uid: 143031 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142463[/import]

Can you put together a small sample (minimal code) that demonstrates this and then file a bug with the “Report a Bug” link above.
[import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142561[/import]

Actually I think I found the problem:




according to the docs. Worked on my iPhone. Can’t get my nexus 7 to power up to test it there.
[import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142591[/import]

It took like 10 seconds holding down the power on button to get my Nexus 7 to boot up.

Using Gmail as the sender, it shows the first line in bold, the 2nd one not bold and does not include the image. When the email arrived at my account, there was no image or placeolder for it and the first line was not bold.

Anyway getting the isBodyHtml will be the first step. Please provide us a bug report.

[import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142593[/import]

Sorry, I pressed too many ‘save’ button, how to remove the duplicate one? [import]uid: 143031 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142402[/import]

Have you tried sending the email and seeing what actually gets sent? [import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142432[/import]

Yes, in my Android gmail app (compose form), it shows a bold ‘ARE YOU READY?’, a non bold ‘ARE YOU READY?’, and a tiny box written ‘obj’.

But when I send to myself in gmail, I got ‘ARE YOU READY?’, both non bold.

Anyone can copy the code on top and test it?

thanks. [import]uid: 143031 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142444[/import]

I have an app I’m testing that also sends emails with html bodies, so I was able to test out your code on a couple devices.

On an iPad it worked fine. I saw the logo image as part of the email between the two 'ARE YOU READY’s.

On a Nook Color (older version of Android) the email did not contain the logo. So something definitely wrong on the Android side.

It’s been my experience with my own app that some core Corona functions have different behaviors on different versions of Android, or just plain don’t work. I’ve submitted bugs to Coronalabs for issues like this and for the most part have had positive results getting them fixed, but you need to supply a reproducible case. [import]uid: 9422 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142461[/import]

Thanks HardBoiledIndustries.

Corona provided us a great cross platform tool, but some how, communicating with native features are really pain in the ass. We would be glad happy if we have options to do it natively using Java or Objective C, if something not working.

[import]uid: 143031 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142463[/import]

Can you put together a small sample (minimal code) that demonstrates this and then file a bug with the “Report a Bug” link above.
[import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142561[/import]

Actually I think I found the problem:




according to the docs. Worked on my iPhone. Can’t get my nexus 7 to power up to test it there.
[import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142591[/import]

It took like 10 seconds holding down the power on button to get my Nexus 7 to boot up.

Using Gmail as the sender, it shows the first line in bold, the 2nd one not bold and does not include the image. When the email arrived at my account, there was no image or placeolder for it and the first line was not bold.

Anyway getting the isBodyHtml will be the first step. Please provide us a bug report.

[import]uid: 199310 topic_id: 35801 reply_id: 142593[/import]

Hello Rob,

                 i have been put exact isBodyHtml = true in my send email code and i have put a image link with background color header in my html body content then i have tested it in both ios and android.

It works fine in ios but it does’nt show the image with background in mailbox when i send mail with android device. so i think it is a problem with android, so please provide a solution for android asap.

Thank you


We need a bug report.


Engineering had this to say, before bug reports get filed:

This is more likely an issue with the Android mail app (and there isn’t just 1 mail app on Android either).  We just send the HTML string as-is to the mail app.  It’s up to the mail app to display it correctly.  So, they may have to experiment with their HTML to find something that works.  Also, if you’re trying to display images in an HTML e-mail, then the image needs to be hosted on a server with a full URL path, not a relative path.  If they can display the HTML via their Android browser, then they should be in business.
