I’ve been working on a project - my first project that is.
I decided in order to get an artist on my team, I was going to need something for them to work with, so I created a map-editor!
I have uploaded the zipped archive to mediafire. My hopes are that you guys will check it out and make some maps! I’ll be available for questions if any of you are interested, as it’s not 100% user-friendly.
My Skype: quick282
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!! Keep in mind - this is only a tool for my artist, not the main goal of this project.
Some screenshots to get you interested:
Now…just think if I could draw to save my life! This could be great, right?!
The different tile materials, objects, and players are added automatically if they’re added to the correct folders.
All images are drawn with respect to the bottom left corner. Keep this in mind if you make new tiles or objects.
For players, keep them relatively close to the center. The images I’m using right now are 64x64.
The possibilities are endless!! You could make buildings that take up a 4x6 tile space if you wanted! It all comes down to how creative you can be with the art!
I know there will be issues as I can’t test everything myself, so please let me know politely rather than raging at me!!
There is currently a save function, but there is no load method, or naming ability…be careful! If you save the file be sure to go into the sandbox documents folder and move the map.json file to a different location if you don’t want to overwrite it.
I’ll be working on a loading method in the next few days so that I can see the maps that you guys make! Also, so I can start making the game! xD
WARNING - Scale the map to the appropriate size before adding objects and changing heights, I have not added dynamic scaling yet. It MUST be done beforehand. It will delete all of your work otherwise.