Hi, I have the following main.lua, which works as expected, i.e. the particle bounces off the circle and two events get triggered (began and ended). If I un-comment line 12 to turn the circle into a sensor, then the particle will pass through the circle, but no events will be triggered. Even if I change line 9 from {radius = 30} to {radius = 30, isSensor = true} it will not trigger any events. My build version: / 2016.2828
local physics = require( "physics" ) physics.start() local function onRingCollision(self, event) print "event triggered" end local sensorRing = display.newCircle(100, 300, 30) physics.addBody(sensorRing, "static", {radius = 30}) sensorRing.particleCollision = onRingCollision sensorRing:addEventListener("particleCollision", sensorRing) -- sensorRing.isSensor = true local particleSystem = physics.newParticleSystem { filename = "particle.png", radius = 3 } local particleParams = { flags = {"water", "fixtureContactListener"}, x = 90, y = 100 } particleSystem:createParticle(particleParams)