Issue running Samples in XCode Simulator (iOS)

Hi, I’ve been developing my app on Solar2d/Corona SDK for a while now, using android devices and the solar2d simulator for testing. Now that I’m getting closer to releasing I wanted to test it on iOS (although I don’t have any physical devices save 1 old iPad). I joined the apple developer program and created certs, a provisioning profile, and an appID. I cannot for the life of me get anything to run on the ios simulator in XCode after building, which includes the sample apps (horse animation) or demo projects such as Corona Cannon. It seems to just bail after launch without any real info besides:

Dec 02 18:17:12.375 Building: Signing application for Xcode Simulator
Dec 02 18:17:12.491 iOS build succeeded in 5 seconds
Dec 02 18:17:12.864 Running '/Users/utopian/projects/mobile/' on Xcode iOS Simulator - iPhone SE (3rd generation) / iOS 16.1 (7506DFF3-4FBC-47C6-9114-C6E90302F95C)
Dec 02 18:17:17.029 Error running /Applications/Corona-3683/Corona (
Dec 02 18:17:17.030 An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=3):
                    Application launch for 'com.example.CoronaCannon' did not return a valid pid nor a launch error.
                    No such process
Dec 02 18:17:17.346 Xcode iOS Simulator installation:
                    An error was encountered processing the command (domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain, code=3):
                    Application launch for 'com.example.CoronaCannon' did not return a valid pid nor a launch error.
                    No such process
Dec 02 18:17:17.347 ----------  Device Log Starts  ----------

I can build a demo app in xcode and run it in the simulator, so I know the simulator works. I just can’t get anything built with solar2d to launch properly. I’m sure I missed something along the way, but I can’t figure out what.

If I try to launch it from the commandline via xcrun, the results are as such:

xcrun simctl launch 7506DFF3-4FBC-47C6-9114-C6E90302F95C CoronaCannon                   
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain, code=4):
The request to open "CoronaCannon" failed.
Underlying error (domain=FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain, code=4):
	The operation couldn’t be completed. Application info provider (FBSApplicationLibrary) returned nil for "CoronaCannon"
	Application info provider (FBSApplicationLibrary) returned nil for "CoronaCannon"

Does anyone know if the sample apps and demo project should currently work with xcode 14.1 (and thus iOS 16.1)? I’ve also tried on xcode/IOS 13.4/15.5 with the same results.

Thanks in advance,

Maybe I can rephrase the question then. Does anyone have a sample project (or link to a github project, etc) that is a very simple solar2d app that can be built for iOS and run on the XCode simulator? Not looking for much beyond hello world, but a sample app level of sophistication would also be fine.


I have had this issue before, have your tried resetting your Mac?

I literally just figured out my issue while debugging an android build of a new app. My build machine is a newer M1 mac, and I had migrated from an x64 mac, so it turns out the java version within corona was for the wrong architecture. (Actually the new version of solar2d I downloaded was also not seemingly for M1 macs, but I was able to create a symlink in the /Applications/Corona-3683/Corona directory to point jdk to my java 1.8 for arm64.

After that both android and ios builds are working for me.

Hope this helps someone else someday.