Not sure if anyone else has encountered this issue. I built from Cider and run from xcode simulator. The problem is when I do a lunar.showLunar() with x = 0 and y = 200, the ad is appearing almost at the bottom of the screen. My config.lua has width = 320, height = 480 and scale = “letterbox” so I’m very puzzled why this is the case? Assuming the banner is 320 by 50, then y = 430 if I want to position the banner at the bottom of the screen but if I set y = 430, I can’t even see the gray box which appear when the ad is being loaded. Using yAlign = “bottom” also does not show the gray box. I’m using v1.8 of lunar.lua and v2012.894 of Corona SDK.
Another question I have is on the impressions shown in the Lunar Channel Report. I see close to 50 impressions for adMob but 0 impressions in the adMob site. Is this because my app is not published in appstore/playstore yet or because all these impressions are registered today (I was trying to resolve the ad positioning issue)?
Thanks for any help.
Ben [import]uid: 164013 topic_id: 30612 reply_id: 330612[/import]