One of our test devices is a low-budget android phone which uses the MediaTek MTK6580 processor (running Android 8.0, 2GB Rom, +10GB remaining storage space)
Upon launching the game, the Corona logo screen appears and then after a second or so the game quits with an “Unfortunately ‘game name’ has stopped”. We did finally manage to get the game to launch and run a few times but most time (99%) it’s this same auto exit issue.
BTW, there are no other apps running at the same time, so wondering if anyone has come across this issue before? Stranger still is that two other games we’ve developed, full 3D games made with unity have no problem launching and running on the same phone and they use more resources than the corona game in question.
We’ve also had one of our customers using an Oppo with a MediaTek MTK6755 indicate to us that the game won’t open for them either.
All our other test phones brand/models (Android 4.4 > Android 9.0) that don’t use the MediaTek processors have no issues.
Any feedback much appreciated.