Issues dragging object on iOS 7

Hey guys,

This one is a long shot.

Since iOS 7 came out, I’m having an issue on my game that I’m unable to fix.

On my game, the user controls the player by dragging it from left to right.

Everything was working fine until iOS 7 came out. Now, at random points, the dragging becomes laggish, as if there were a fps drop, except that the only object affected by the fps drop is the one being dragged. It doesn’t always happen, just sometimes, which makes it even worse to debug.

This is the code I’m using to drag:

 -- touch listener for bg function bg:touch( event ) if (gameRunning == false and dead == false and showingTutorial == false) then startGame() end if (dead == false and showingTutorial == false) then if event.phase == "began" then display.getCurrentStage():setFocus( self, ) self.isFocus = true elseif self.isFocus then if event.phase == "moved" then local x = (event.x) gameBombController.x = x gameBomb.x = x elseif event.phase == "ended" or event.phase == "cancelled" then display.getCurrentStage():setFocus( self, nil ) self.isFocus = false end end end return true end -- make 'bg' listen for touch events bg:addEventListener( "touch", bg )

It’s pretty straightforward, and it works in previous versions of iOS so my guess is that it’s not actually related to this piece of code. Maybe something makes the touch detection slower for some time, causing the event to be fired at a slower rate?

Has anybody have any issue dragging objects on iOS 7? Any thought?
