jailbrake and in-app purchase invalid product

Any one working fine with in-app purchases on jailbreak devices?

I think, its all about jailbreaking. if other techicals OK.
I restored my iPhone and tested on iPod non-jb device, products are valid and working fine.
(I’ve got invalid products error before…) [import]uid: 96683 topic_id: 21002 reply_id: 321002[/import]

@iPlayalot, here’s a great laundry list of reasons why IAP returns invalid products error, and jailbroken device is one of them:


This post is a part of this incredibly detailed steps for implementing IAP:



[import]uid: 67217 topic_id: 21002 reply_id: 82953[/import]

Yes Naomi, I read all of your posts and related posts about in-app purchase :slight_smile:
I saw that jailbroken issue too late and waste a lot of time.

I think, there must be a sticky topic about jailbreak issues. [import]uid: 96683 topic_id: 21002 reply_id: 83011[/import]

Hahaha, I did hit a big, brick wall when I was working on IAP (and just like yours, my issue had nothing to do with the code!) Once it’s sorted out, IAP feels like a walk in a sunny park, but sheesh, that was a pain. Glad you sorted yours out too.

Naomi [import]uid: 67217 topic_id: 21002 reply_id: 83022[/import]