Join Our App Enriching Service For Free!

Hey everyone I love working with Corona folks and I am working on an app service that will be made first for Corona users. I can’t say much now but it involves helping you with providing a service for you and your users. We would love to work with ten developers at the most in order to test the software and help us fine tune it before an official release.

There are no sign up fees or anything and we will be working closely with you through the process. This may include some participation including implementing our system into your game involving weekly or bi-monthly meetings for features . The trial period is expected to last two months. In return we have a special a gift we’d like to give you during the process to anyone who would like to cooperate, I can go more into detail after you are approved.

Our requirements at this time is that the games our targeted towards teens. I can’t say much until a contract is signed and agree to our confidentiality, but you will want to try it out the minute you hear about it. If you are interested in learning  more, please respond back at Thank you for your time in reading this and lets take this journey together!
