JSON online storage

I’m still a newbie, and for the app I’m working on I wanted to store some data (users, high scores, etc.) in a small JSON file. I found several websites that host JSON files, but I couldn’t get the upload to work with any of them. I also found sites like firebrand way over my head and just too much for what I needed.

Finally, I found two sites within moments of each other that allow me to upload (“PUT”) my JSON file from the Temp directory. I wanted to post this in case anyone else was looking for the same thing: a simple host for your JSON files.


If you get as far as creating your JSON file, you’ll want to append the provided API key in the URL. For example: "https://json.extendsclass.com/bin/%your id%?apiKey=&your key%

Hope this is useful and saves someone else time!

It seems to be very simple, do you know how much storage is available on this site for free?

Neither state a storage limit. I haven’t asked, and since my json file is so small, I doubt it would max out any limit.