Just a thought

For god’s sake guys, make the Simulator responsive to case-sensitive errors. Having something work on the simulator and fail miserably on a device, because I forgot a capital letter is very soul destroying.

Search the forums.  RoamingGamer produced a small Lua module you can include that will catch those errors.



It has come to my attention that this module may be malfunctioning in OS X.  As I am primarily a Windows user, I hadn’t noticed.

Anyways, I will investigate and re-post when I have an answer.  Sorry for any trouble this may have cause OS X users.

A working OSX version would be great. Android is a lot more ‘accepting’ of these type of errors to start with… If I can help (BETA testing etc), just let me know.

Hello all.  I’m posting back to let folks know I FINALLY fixed the issue with caseErrorDetect and OS X.  The script works properly now and will detect case errors for these cases:

  • require
  • display.*
  • graphics.*
  • widget.*
  • composer.*

I purposely left audio.* and media.* unfixed since files may come from temporary, document, or event remote sources.  You can easily extend this module if you need to check temporary and document folders.

Search the forums.  RoamingGamer produced a small Lua module you can include that will catch those errors.



It has come to my attention that this module may be malfunctioning in OS X.  As I am primarily a Windows user, I hadn’t noticed.

Anyways, I will investigate and re-post when I have an answer.  Sorry for any trouble this may have cause OS X users.

A working OSX version would be great. Android is a lot more ‘accepting’ of these type of errors to start with… If I can help (BETA testing etc), just let me know.

Hello all.  I’m posting back to let folks know I FINALLY fixed the issue with caseErrorDetect and OS X.  The script works properly now and will detect case errors for these cases:

  • require
  • display.*
  • graphics.*
  • widget.*
  • composer.*

I purposely left audio.* and media.* unfixed since files may come from temporary, document, or event remote sources.  You can easily extend this module if you need to check temporary and document folders.