Just finished my first app for iOS and Android. It's FREE, please check it out!

Hey all I’ve just finished my first app What’s Up? to help with mental disorders such as anxiety and depression. It’s totally free, please go check it out it would mean the world to me :smiley:

*Also the donations in iOS don’t currently work but I’ve updated it and when Apple reviews it it will work*

App  Store: https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/whats-up/id968251160?mt=8
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jacksontempra.apps.whatsup

Good job. Anxiety and depression can be so destructive, and helping people deal with them is a noble goal indeed.

Good job. Anxiety and depression can be so destructive, and helping people deal with them is a noble goal indeed.