Just hide Android navigation bar at the bottom of the screen!

Well, my dear, finally I’m so close to build my supergame. Oh, it’s pretty beautiful, like a mix of the most perfect games you have ever seen! But, before I’ll earn my second million bucks with it, I want to ask you about one moment. How to hide the bottom screen buttons, because - surprize, mf!! - display.setStatusBar (display.HiddenStatusBar) is not working in this case?

Because, like you already said, that’s the navigation bar, not the status bar.

Read: https://docs.coronalabs.com/api/library/native/setProperty.html#androidsystemuivisibility

Also, I don’t mean to come across as confrontational, but I am curious. What’s with the weird fluff in your posts? Why not just ask your question?


@XeduR, because I’m the really depressed old neuron net, almost a gamedevholic, that’s why.
“Have a fun, till you run.
No fan, no man” — like Terminator says.

So, speaking about Android System UI Visibility: where should I copy-paste that piece of … code:
native.setProperty( "androidSystemUiVisibility" , "immersiveSticky" )

Into build.settings or config.lua or main.lua or everyVeryHardToPassThroughLevels.lua?

Yeah, that’s working as is. Cool :confused: