Hi All,
Physics and Box2D newbie here. I had previously implemented all the physics for a game, myself (movement, boundary detection, etc), but decided to use the physics api for collsion detection ONLY. It works great and successfully determines when one of my display objects collides with another.
However, the problem I’m facing is that every object I add to the physics begins to stray after some time. Characters that are supposed to remain stationary begin to rotate and display groups begin to separate. I’ve specified 0 gravity, and gave my physics bodies 0 bounce and 1.0 friction (if that matters). Does anyone know what else I need to do?
I should add that most of these physics bodies are display groups, which I remember someone saying is a bad idea, but I don’t think that should really apply here.
Anyway, I really would appreciate some advice from you Corona Elites out there.
– Anthony
tl;dr: Trying to use box2d for collision detection only; I need absolutely no physics interaction aside from the collision detection.