Karavan's Games presents : Space Lifter - Coming Soon !

I am proud to announce our first game project,  Space Lifter  as a mobile 2D/3D puzzle game, to be released at the end of the year. For that purpose, we decided to create a dev blog to show what is in the work and how we, at Karavan’s Games, approach mobile gaming as the market grows larger and make something that can be fun, challenging and rewarding to play while keeping the process simple.

The dev blog will be different from other blogs you’ve encountered, because we think  you, the player , have the right to know everything about the games we are making. To put it simply, on this blog you will not only get information about how the game will be made, but you’ll have access to  early prototypes, fully playable and for you exclusively to test, in addition to concepts arts, screenshots, pen and paper prototypes and videos of gameplay as the development go forth.

Each week, an entry will show up with content that was made during 7 days, either it is development regarding the design, the art or the programmation of our games. Maybe in between, tutorials will be brought to the table or maybe articles about game design in general, in addition to planifications tips to successfully create mobile projects like the ones you will see unfold during the next few weeks.

You can at any time let us know of any feedbacks that regards our projects and the development in general, since this blog was  made for you exclusively. Just drop us a like or any of your toughs in the comments section or atkaravansgames@gmail.com.

Be sure to check out at every week for new contents ! 

Best regards
The team of Karavan’s Games

Hi again guys ! 
I am planning to do a weekly update not only on this forum, but also on our blog to keep you informed of what work is in progress at Karavan’s Games.

So, for this week, we discuss prototyping and how this method can be applied on every game development day basis. But it’s not over, at Karavan’s Games, we make every step of our development process completely transparent, so we can share with you 2 news prototypes we are doing for our first iOs Game: Space Lifter ! 

Each week, there will be more content, so I encourage to follow our blog, or our facebook page or twitter ! I’ll share you the links below !

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames
Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Hi guys ! How was your weekend ? It’s time for another blog entry ! This week’s a special update, because there will be none other than two entry: one today and one on thursday !

This first part will discuss about story and character’s development and next week there will be for you another prototype to test ! Stay tuned !

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames

This week, we have a new prototype for you to test ! 

Also, we discuss of the different types of radioactive wastes materials that the player will be able to manipulate !

Due to popular demands, we will make much shorter entry, so let’s encourage us by leaving a like on Facebook or share it with a lot of your friends !

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames

Hi again guys ! 
I am planning to do a weekly update not only on this forum, but also on our blog to keep you informed of what work is in progress at Karavan’s Games.

So, for this week, we discuss prototyping and how this method can be applied on every game development day basis. But it’s not over, at Karavan’s Games, we make every step of our development process completely transparent, so we can share with you 2 news prototypes we are doing for our first iOs Game: Space Lifter ! 

Each week, there will be more content, so I encourage to follow our blog, or our facebook page or twitter ! I’ll share you the links below !

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames
Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Hi guys ! How was your weekend ? It’s time for another blog entry ! This week’s a special update, because there will be none other than two entry: one today and one on thursday !

This first part will discuss about story and character’s development and next week there will be for you another prototype to test ! Stay tuned !

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames

On today’s blog entry, you can now rotate the cube and break it by hitting one of its side to a wall ! It’s the first step before prototyping our radiation gauge system !

It’s the same prototype than last week, but this time, you’ll need to change perspective in order to make the cube reach the exit.

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames

This week, we have a new prototype for you to test ! 

Also, we discuss of the different types of radioactive wastes materials that the player will be able to manipulate !

Due to popular demands, we will make much shorter entry, so let’s encourage us by leaving a like on Facebook or share it with a lot of your friends !

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames

On today’s blog entry, you can now rotate the cube and break it by hitting one of its side to a wall ! It’s the first step before prototyping our radiation gauge system !

It’s the same prototype than last week, but this time, you’ll need to change perspective in order to make the cube reach the exit.

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames

This week, the blog entry focuses mainly on the radiation gauge system, and we made a prototype to show you how it has been implemented ! The core features are almost implemented, and you’ll be able to see some concepts arts in the near futures of characters and environments, so stay tuned !

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames

This week, the blog entry focuses mainly on the radiation gauge system, and we made a prototype to show you how it has been implemented ! The core features are almost implemented, and you’ll be able to see some concepts arts in the near futures of characters and environments, so stay tuned !

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames

This week, we speak about regaining control over the gravity and we have a sneak preview over some level design and concept ideas for pacing our game. It’s the first part of another entry that will come soon this week, where you’ll be able to discover the new “scan” mechanic, an important element of our game !
It has been almost two weeks now that we didn’t give any updates on the advancement of the project, so we would want to first apologize for that. We will probably by now make an update maybe every two weeks.
But don’t worry, we’ll make sure to come up each time with some quality contents and few key announcements during the next months.

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames

Here is the second part of our blog entry this week where we want to present you with our scan mechanic and the prototype that gave life to it. In this blog entry, you’ll find infos on our ideas, problems and solutions in order to be a little bit more transparent in the development of our game !

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames

Meet the cast of Space Lifter through this first draft of character design ! If you want more informations on how the design process has been done, please visit our blog !

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Here is a sneek peek of what one of the character would look like:


For more informations regarding this character and the other cast, please visit our blog and be part of every update by suscribing to our Facebook page !

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames

This week, we speak about regaining control over the gravity and we have a sneak preview over some level design and concept ideas for pacing our game. It’s the first part of another entry that will come soon this week, where you’ll be able to discover the new “scan” mechanic, an important element of our game !
It has been almost two weeks now that we didn’t give any updates on the advancement of the project, so we would want to first apologize for that. We will probably by now make an update maybe every two weeks.
But don’t worry, we’ll make sure to come up each time with some quality contents and few key announcements during the next months.

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames

Here is the second part of our blog entry this week where we want to present you with our scan mechanic and the prototype that gave life to it. In this blog entry, you’ll find infos on our ideas, problems and solutions in order to be a little bit more transparent in the development of our game !

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames

Meet the cast of Space Lifter through this first draft of character design ! If you want more informations on how the design process has been done, please visit our blog !

Here is today’s blog entry : Blog: http://karavansgames.wordpress.com/

Here is a sneek peek of what one of the character would look like:


For more informations regarding this character and the other cast, please visit our blog and be part of every update by suscribing to our Facebook page !

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook !
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KaravansGames
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KaravansGames