Hello. This is very unfortunate that you can not make builds. What OS are you working on? Seems to be macOS.
If you would first of following commands, Console would contain full log. Second command would stop “censoring” passwords from the log.
defaults write com.coronalabs.Corona\_Simulator debugBuildProcess -int 5 defaults write com.coronalabs.Corona\_Simulator unsanitizedBuildLog -bool YES
To undo this run following commands (will undo 1st and second respectively).
defaults delete com.coronalabs.Corona\_Simulator debugBuildProcess defaults delete com.coronalabs.Corona\_Simulator unsanitizedBuildLog
Also note, that Android siging sometimes doesn’t work if you have different password for keystore and for the key. Check the log, if it passes passwords correctly. Copy full log, then paste it in text editor and look for something like PcoronaKeystorePassword= or PcoronaKeyAlias=