Kibunet - where you can create your own Bilderbuch (picture book)



our app Kibunet is online for some days now (German Speaking App Stores only). Yeah! :smiley:

With Kibunet you can create your own picture books. Therefore we provide an editor and book reader and loads of marvelous illustrations.

You may have a look at (german).


It was quite some way to go. The concept received a design award 10 years (!!) ago - but we never managed to get the development going (our company focus’ on User Experience & Agile Consulting). Thanks to students from the Hochschule Karlsruhe and Corona we managed to develop the app and got it into the app store 2 months ago.

But we are still at the beginning of our journey - with the version 1.0 we proved (ourself) that we are able to do a first version. Now there are a lot of ideas and steps ahead. We ask a german author to publish his poems in our next version - they are really funny, we need to find out how app effective app marketing is working  :ph34r: and there are a lot of features down the roadmap.

Personally this was a very interesting journey for me. I’d learned and learn a lot about app development and app business. If you’d ask me, what would I do different the next time I would definitely answer that I’d try to get a funding much earlier so that I can focus on delivering the app…

We also had quite some fun with Corona - some things really went that easy - whereas some things really robbed our sleep (TEXTBOX  :angry: ) :slight_smile:

ahh… yes… post got longer as expected. I would be happy to join some experiences or talk about app business in general. Feel free to ask or contact me

hAPPy development


ah… and now I learned, that images are displayed somewhat blurry - any ideas how to change this? 

ah… and now I learned, that images are displayed somewhat blurry - any ideas how to change this?Â