That is not what I’m saying at all. You still have to have a UI Launch image setup. You can dump the PNGs and use Xcode storyboards instead. UI Launch images have absolutely nothing to do with the Splash screen. The splash screen is a feature that runs inside of Corona *AFTER* the UI Launch image has been displayed.
I suggest, to keep this simple, create a new project with Corona. You should find this in build.settings:
-- -- iOS section -- iphone = { xcassets = "Images.xcassets", plist = { UIStatusBarHidden = false, UILaunchStoryboardName = "LaunchScreen", }, },
Note the line: UILaunchStoryboardName line in the plist section. You will also find a folder named “LaunchScreen.storyboardc”. This is a compiled Storyboard file that produces a solid black UI LaunchImage setup. You can deploy with this and no other changes. Just make sure this bit is in build.settings and the .storyboardc folder is in the root folder of your project.
Now if you want to have a custom UI Launch Image that shows something before your Splash Screen Control image, then you will need to use Xcode to make a new LaunchScreen.storyboard file and compile it to a .storyboardc file using Xcode. You can follow our guide here:
You can download a starter Storyboard project, add you’re own PNG’s to the project. You need to provide three images, a 1x, an 2x and a 3x image, and then compile it to a .storyboardc file, drop the .storyboardc folder in your project and the three PNG files and you should be good to go.
It’s all documented in that link.