Launch Images for landscape displayed as portrait

Hello all,

I’m developing an app using:

  • latest Corona public build (2511)

  • OS X Yosemite 10.10

I can’t get the launch images to display correctly (having landscape orientation only).

On the device I’m testing (iPod 5 with fw 8.1),

when I open the app, it displays the launch image for portrait-mode.

If I change the name of the file from build.settings to “Default-Landscape-568h”, it will display this file, but also scaled and displayed in portrait mode.

Do you have any ideas about resolving this issue?

For referece, I’m using the build.settings below,

Thank you!


Got it, guys.

I made a mistake I checked last (after 16 attempts around it).

One of the files I created, “Default-Landscape-667h@2x”, had an incorrect resolution (larger than it should be).

Should have paid more attention, thanks!

Weird things still happen,

(on iPhone 5)

  1. If I set the image filename in build.settings to “Default-Landscape-568h” (for LandscapeRight and LandscapeLeft), it will display “Default-Landscape-568h”, badly re-scaled and in portrait mode.

  2. If I remove the portrait table in build.settings, and leave-in just the other two (LandscapeRight and LandscapeLeft), then the application will display as if it were on an iPhone 4 (a lower resolution) with black bars on the left and right side.

Seems like the way to go is to leave the launch image this file, “Default-568h”, and the app will just flip it 90 degrees to make it landscape.

Is this the normal behaviour ?



Got it, guys.

I made a mistake I checked last (after 16 attempts around it).

One of the files I created, “Default-Landscape-667h@2x”, had an incorrect resolution (larger than it should be).

Should have paid more attention, thanks!

Weird things still happen,

(on iPhone 5)

  1. If I set the image filename in build.settings to “Default-Landscape-568h” (for LandscapeRight and LandscapeLeft), it will display “Default-Landscape-568h”, badly re-scaled and in portrait mode.

  2. If I remove the portrait table in build.settings, and leave-in just the other two (LandscapeRight and LandscapeLeft), then the application will display as if it were on an iPhone 4 (a lower resolution) with black bars on the left and right side.

Seems like the way to go is to leave the launch image this file, “Default-568h”, and the app will just flip it 90 degrees to make it landscape.

Is this the normal behaviour ?

