Leaderboard Not Submitting


I can get my apps to see the corona cloud dashboard and also sign up/login the dashboard. I can even see the news or if i add new leaderboard in the dashboard. But I cannot get to submit the high score to the leaderboard. Here are my code. The Score = 118 is the value that are going to be high score for this example



    CC_Access_Key = “6e0a8b215a25c0995caxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”

    CC_Secret_Key = “2f9a9b5e24d68580f814xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”


    local gameparams = { accessKey = CC_Access_Key, secretKey = CC_Secret_Key, }


    local gameparams = {}

    gameparams.accessKey = “6e0a8b215a25c0995caxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”

    gameparams.secretKey = “2f9a9b5e24d68580f814xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”

    gameparams.supportedOrientations = { “landscapeRight” }

    gameNetwork.init( “corona”, gameparams )

    gameNetwork.set( “debugEnabled”, true )


    local function authListener(event)

       --handle Cloud authorization here



    cloud.init( CC_Access_Key, CC_Secret_Key, authListener )


    local leaderboardID = “514a9f74b63354xxxxxxxxxx”

– Submit High Score start here

        print ( “Best Score:”, bestScore )

        print ( “Game Score:”, gameScore )

        print ( “Score:”, score )

        print ( “The Score:”, theScore )


        local touchSubmitLeaderboardBtn = function( event )

            if event.phase == “release” and SubmitLeaderboardBtn.isActive == true then


                SubmitLeaderboardBtn.isActive = false

                score = theScore

                local leaderboards = cloud.leaderboards

                print ( “leaderboard created”)


                – Start Corona Game2

                print ( “Leaderboard ID:”, leaderboardID )

                print ( “Score:”, score )

                --local function leaderboardHandler( event )


                local function leaderboardsListener( event )


                leaderboards.submitHighScore( leaderboardID, score )

                print (“leaderboards.submitHighScore( leaderboardID, score )”)

                leaderboards.setListener( leaderboardsListener )

                director:changeScene( “gotomainmenu” )

                – End





        if not SubmitLeaderboardBtn then

            SubmitLeaderboardBtn = ui.newButton{

                defaultSrc = “themes-btn.png”,

                defaultX = 155,

                defaultY = 59,

                overSrc = “themes-btn-over.png”,

                overX = 155,

                overY = 59,

                onEvent = touchSubmitLeaderboardBtn,

                id = “SubmitLeaderboardBtn”,

                text = “”,

                font = “Helvetica”,

                textColor = { 255, 255, 255, 255 },

                size = 16,

                emboss = false



            SubmitLeaderboardBtn.xOrigin = 200; SubmitLeaderboardBtn.yOrigin = 600

            SubmitLeaderboardBtn.isVisible = false


            gameGroup:insert( SubmitLeaderboardBtn )



The Error In Simulator Output Is As in the photo.