learn Game center

I have some apps, but they don’t have game center.

I would like to implement it, 

Is there any code examples with game center?.

Hi @gerdzon,

Please check out the documentation for Game Center. There’s a link to some turn-based multiplayer code, and the rest of the documentation should help you figure out the available options and API calls.


Take care,


I am reading about Game center.

So I need to create Sandbox Tester account.

Can I create any name for tester accounts or it has to be a real user?

Hi @gerdzon,

I can’t offer much advice on setting up your GC account and so forth… Apple’s site should help explain the details of that. There’s a link from within our docs to the GC hub page.

Take care,


Hi @gerdzon,

Please check out the documentation for Game Center. There’s a link to some turn-based multiplayer code, and the rest of the documentation should help you figure out the available options and API calls.


Take care,


I am reading about Game center.

So I need to create Sandbox Tester account.

Can I create any name for tester accounts or it has to be a real user?

Hi @gerdzon,

I can’t offer much advice on setting up your GC account and so forth… Apple’s site should help explain the details of that. There’s a link from within our docs to the GC hub page.

Take care,
