Let us know about your app so we can Twitter, Facebook it and..

Just got my first Corona one out. Simple physics based arcade game similar to Plinko seen on Price is Right. I call it Planko
Here is the LITE version:
Here is the full paid version:
http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/planko/id483926808?ls=1&mt=8 [import]uid: 58885 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 73752[/import]

Jet Rats HD is here

ITunes: http://bit.ly/uKA2FC

Homepage: http://www.jadynut.com

[import]uid: 74676 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 73733[/import]

the last enchanter comic
now on android market
https://market.android.com/details?id=biz.fitztown.comic.le1comic1&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImJpei5maXR6dG93bi5jb21pYy5sZTFjb21pYzEiXQ… [import]uid: 102616 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 76746[/import]

Posted In it’s own post. But I figured if you checked these for “twitter and facebook posts” I should link it.

Gravity Words - Android
http://developer.anscamobile.com/forum/2012/01/04/gravity-words-android-released [import]uid: 110229 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 77608[/import]


Our first game build with Corona, MarbleZ has been approved and is available on App Store starting today.

[ MarbleZ on App Store >

](http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-marblez/id492037744?ls=1&mt=8)Game play video
[import]uid: 45401 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 77957[/import]

Thanks for mentioning Kwik! Good luck with Preserve!
Alex [import]uid: 4883 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 78189[/import]

Thank you Alex!

BTW I would not forget to mention your amazing 3rd party-tool for CoronaSDK as it has allowed my partner (as you know already, I think) to build this one wonderful app and much more is coming! :slight_smile:
So, Keep it UP!:wink:
Um abraço,
Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 78190[/import]

Line Bot has just launched on the Android Market. It’ll be up on the App Store as soon as Apple approves it (should be in the next couple days). All the information here is also in the Ansca Showcase. It is absolutely free to download!


Jump, fly, and shoot your way through obstacles and enemies on 10 challenging levels, with more coming soon! Line Bot features simple controls and hours of engaging gameplay that keeps you coming back for more. Fight off tons of hilarious enemies from flying whales to ROFL Copters while jumping and flying your way through deadly spikes and platforms. Work your way to the top of Game Center (iOS) and OpenFeint leaderboards by taking advantage of a deep scoring system that rewards skillful play.


  • Simple controls, just tap the left or right side of the screen.
  • Earn new abilities as you progress through the game.
  • 10 levels spread across different difficulty levels, from easy to painfully hard.
  • Engaging bosses based off of popular Internet memes. Try your hand against the Barrel Roller or the LOL Cat!
  • Deep scoring system encourages pinpoint accuracy and skillful maneuvering.
  • Earn achievements on Game Center (iOS) and OpenFeint.
  • Post your high scores on Game Center (iOS) and OpenFeint to compare your skills against others worldwide.
  • Stick-like graphics.


Android: 2.2 or above.
iOS: 4.0 or above. 4.1 and above to use Game Center features.


iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/app/line-bot/id490834570
Market: http://market.android.com/details?id=com.samuelgoshen.linebot
YouTube: http://youtu.be/Gia2ATshGfg [import]uid: 36054 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 78192[/import]

Hello Corona Devs and All!

I`m here to announce our 2nd app made with the amazing Corona SDK and this time, the nice 3rd-party tool Kwik!

** This very first version is available only in pt-BR language **
SO, finaly let me show the – Preserve – Universal App! Check it out below: (description in Portuguese and English translated by Google Translator)


Natureza: quem ama cuida? Você realmente ama a natureza, os animais e tem conhecimento sobre meio ambiente…?

“Preserve”, o primeiro aplicativo do gênero educacional para que as futuras gerações tenham uma ideia da riqueza do que foi produzido no Planeta.

“Preserve” é um app Universal! Tenha o app em seu iPhone, iPod e iPad pelo preço de um!


  • Aplicativo educacional para crianças e adolescentes (forma de quiz interativo).
  • Perguntas, áudios e sons totalmente em Português do Brasil.
  • Imagens HD (Retina Display), cores vivas e efeitos gráficos para estimular o aprendizado.
  • Indicado para crianças com idade a partir de 8+ anos.

*Características adicionais:

  • Assunto Atual sobre o crescimento da população humana, o consumo intensivo dos recursos biológicos e o desenvolvimento de um sistema econômico.

  • Divertido (descubra qual tipo/perfil de consumidor você é) além de Estimular o dever de todos nós “ Seres Humanos”, a preservar a Natureza e nosso lindo planeta Terra.


Nature: who loves cares? Do you really love nature, animals, and is knowledgeable about the environment …?

“Preserve”, the first application of gender education so that future generations have an idea of ??the richness of what was produced on the planet.

“Preserve” is a Universal app! Get the app on your iPhone, iPod and iPad for the price of one!

* Features:

  • Application of education for children and adolescents (form of interactive quiz).
  • Questions, audios and sounds entirely in Portuguese in Brazil.
  • HD Images (Retina Display), vivid colors and graphic effects to stimulate learning.
  • Suitable for children aged from 8 + years.

* Additional features:

  • Current Issue on the growth of human population, intensive use of biological resources and the development of an economic system.

  • Fun (find out what type / customer profile you are) as well as stimulate the duty of us all “Human Beings”, to preserve nature and our beautiful planet Earth.

Check it on App Store Here : http://itunes.apple.com/mo/app/preserve/id492178475?l=pt&ls=1&mt=8

Following some PROMOCODES :


  • If you get it please post telling me which one you took. :slight_smile:


Rodrigo Costa & Sabrina Costa.

Follow Us on Twitter & Facebook:
–>> http://twitter.com/RSCdev
–>> https://www.facebook.com/rscdev

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Some Screens:

[import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 78185[/import]

My App: Speedy SMS Sender went live last night. It takes advantage of Corona SDK’s widget library including picker wheels and tableViews as well as the new sending email/SMS feature.

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/speedy-sms-sender/id492006277?mt=8

The idea behind this app is that you can program in frequently texted messages and people who you frequently text and in four actions be able to send one of these pre-saved messages.

I wrote it to safe time texting my wife that I’m on my way home as well as to speed up voting for American Idol.

[import]uid: 19626 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 78205[/import]

Hey @rob, congrats, your app looks very polished (real looks like native Obj-C) :slight_smile:

Do you know if this app would work for SMS outside US? Is it international one?
Best of luck!

Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 78206[/import]

Thank you. I have no idea if it works internationally or not. I would assume if Apple’s default email/sms works, then it should. Perhaps someone from Ansca can answer that about the new sending email/sms feature.

I don’t do anything to restrict numbers to US numbers.

[import]uid: 19626 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 78210[/import]

Thats OK. Ill find it myself as soon as I drop you something around $1.5c.

PS: BTW, well paid I believe. :slight_smile:
Thanks for the reply.
Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 78220[/import]

My app Minecraft Guide has been approved and also first app made with Ansca Corona SDK

here is the link http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minecraft-guide/id483665037?ls=1&mt=8 [import]uid: 17058 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 78233[/import]

Just an update that Line Bot has been approved for the App Store and will appear over the next 24 hours! [import]uid: 36054 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 78369[/import]

Knots 3D new on Android! Knots 3D v2.0 was released last week on the iTunes store and for the first time on the Android Market! It currently among the top 30 reference apps for iPad in the US and has spent time at #1 in several countries including New Zealand, Belgium, The Netherlands and Portugal!

android: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.nynix.knots3d

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/knots-3d/id453571750

Tweet away!


Dave [import]uid: 17130 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 79860[/import]

Booty Cove is now on the Android Maket and Apple Store

Android: https://market.android.com/details?id=com.totemicstudios.bootyCove&hl=en

iTunes: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/booty-cove/id496076009?ls=1&mt=8 [import]uid: 64835 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 82531[/import]

PrestoBingo Shapes is an app for kids that teaches shapes and counting. It is available on the app store here:

http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/prestobingo-shapes/id494347130?mt=8 [import]uid: 70558 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 82778[/import]

My app is now live in the app store. Its call, Spud Gun Attack

I made a full announcement here, http://developer.anscamobile.com/forum/2012/02/01/spud-gun-attack-v101-available-iphone-and-android

Its priced at $0.99 and the download link is here, http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/spud-gun-attack/id489341947?ls=1&mt=8 [import]uid: 86474 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 84453[/import]

Grooh just went for sale!

Get more details here:


Visit Grooh: http://grooh.digidingo.com
Like Grooh: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Grooh/215057458579140
Follow Grooh: http://twitter.com/digiDingo [import]uid: 90610 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 84902[/import]