Jam Exam Premium
Jam Exam Premium gives you access to 186 (and counting) Lessons / Scales, split across 3 instruments. Jam Exam is a great learning tool for string Instrument players.
Jam Exam App includes Major (and the relative modes) Major Pentatonic, Minor Pentatonic, and Minor Blues with more scales being added all the time some free and some as in-app purchases.
Other user defined settings include: Left Handed Player Display on/off Display Intervals on/off. Audio on/off Set the duration/scroll of each screen.
The Jam Exam App is designed as a practice tool for guitar, bass and Ukulele players with more instruments to be added soon.
Much more than one of the hundreds of “Scale Encyclopedias” available, exciting soloing and skilled improvisation requires study of scales.
https://play.google.com/store/search?q=jamexam [import]uid: 11860 topic_id: 1020 reply_id: 124681[/import]