Hi all,
I am about to release my first Corona made game this March 2013: Letter Attack (for iOS devices) - just a few more days and it will be available on the AppStore!
Letter Attack is a unique word game with three different game modes and some strategic elements that make it different from the other word games out there. It is the perfect game to spent a few minutes on the tram, bus or train on your way to work or whenever you want to have a few challenging game rounds on the go. Two languages are currently supported: English and German, more to follow. As there was no decent German language word game on the market as of yet (which would also support “Umlaute” and was programmed by a native German speaker) - well, here is one now
It took me around 14 months to complete - I started from scratch and since I only had 2-3 hours in the evenings / weekends to work on the game (this is just my beloved hobby), time flew by until Letter Attack was completed. At first I thought programming a word game would be a nice and easy way to learn Corona and to get back into coding - boy, was I wrong. Word games are very complex and programming some of the core routines almost drove me nuts. I spent around three months finding a solution to make the routines as fast as possible and figuring out how the game could test within some milliseconds what words can be played with the remaining letters on the game board.
Letter Attack will be available for 0.99 USD, a free ad-supported version will follow in a few days. It is a universal release, so just one version that will work on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. All resolutions are supported and RETINA compatible graphics are included.
Overall, a great programming experience and lots of fun for me! Letter Attack will be available on the AppStore in a few days, so check it out! I will open a blog on my website http://www.heftyapps.com and will report about some interesting stuff relating to programming Letter Attack, promoting it and how it is doing on the AppStore. Site is currently under construction but will be up soon. I hope you like Letter Attack, please let me know what you think - feedback is welcome.
Game video: