Letterbox shows black bars left and right

Hey there,

I’ve noticed a bug using letterbox: When I build with the latest release 3661 on Mac for Android, I have black bars left and right on my Android device (Xiaomi Redmi Note 9). I then saw that this problem is described also on GitHub (20 days ago):

Does anyone else have that issue and a workaround? - I’ve tried some older releases, but it seems the issue exists for a few months now.

Sounds to me like you are describing an issue with Android’s immersiveSticky mode.

If you aren’t sure of the issue, then you can download my screen module’s sample project from GitHub, build it for your device and see if the black bars are still there.

Oh wow, that seems to be it! This should be some kind of default plugin! Thank you so much! …now I just have to use and set the right x and y coordinates for all thing oO

Just a question about this note in the plugin:
“If you just require this plugin and, without waiting, begin to create display objects, then they will likely not be positioned correctly if you are positioning them based on the screen dimensions.”

What’s the best solution here to wait? - Can I simply load the module in main.lua, wait for 200ms, and then load e.g. level1.lua (which also requires then the screen.lua)?

Please see https://github.com/coronalabs/corona/issues/311 and in particular the screen copy in Landscape mode - with large “black” bars on both sides of the central table area.

I don’t think that this is caused by the “immersiveSticky” issue ; it is more like a confusion between display.contentWidth and display.actualContentWidth within the implementation of widget.table !

I require the screen module at the start of my main.lua, and my games have a launch screen (custom splash screen) that takes a moment to resolve.

The immersiveSticky mode tends to set it fairly quickly, like in 50-100ms, sometimes sooner, so if there’s any kind of delay, that should be enough.

For @ivec, you should create a new forum post about that. I replied to you over at GitHub already and this seems like an issue with your content area (config.lua).