Level director tutorials

Is there any basic platform LD tuts out there ? 

From start to scratch ?


I don’t believe there any tutorials for a platform style game at the moment but I’m just about to release v2.7 that does have a good example of a platform style game.

I’ll try and put together a simple tutorial in the next couple of days but in the mean time I would take a look at the scroller2 demo (on the forum or installed with 2.7), load it up in LD and you’ll get a good idea how it is put together.

I simply use rectangles (with no fill or borders) for the physics which is much easier when creating say the floor which could be made up of multiple images.

For images that are not flat e.g. on a slope, I then apply a physics shape to match the image.

Do you want your level to scroll or stay fixed?

I bought LD yesterday, and I’m really happy with it.

But I feel like I have no idea what I’m doing.
I’m really confused.

I’ve been fooling around with CoronaSDK for a while, I’m still a " newbie ".

Let’s say I  just want a " figure " jumping and moving, basic thing.

I save the map as .LDF 

How do I, how can I put this.

Merge it with Corona ? Like Main.lua etc

I’m sorry about this stupid question, I’m just new to this :slight_smile:

Thanks for fast reply pal!

No problem, we’ll have you up and running in no time  :slight_smile:

I recommend you start with one of the example projects, have you located these yet (libraries\documents\Level Director) ?

  1. Copy the ‘Example1’ folder and name it accordingly e.g. ‘MyProject’, you will have the necessary files now (config/main.lua etc).

  2. Edit main.lua file, here you will find the basic code to load a level, very simple; 

    myLevel = LD:loadLevel(‘Level01’)  

  3. Run Level Director and load the ‘Level1.ldf’ file

  4. Check in tools->options that your corona path is set correctly.

  5. Make some changes or simply hit the corona button to export and run it.

These are the very basics and I would spend some time looking at the Assets as these are normally where the ‘Physics’ properties will reside, also look at the physics shape on the grass asset, by clicking on the button by the ‘Body Shape’ under physics properties.

Once you have grasped the basics we can move onto how you interact with objects in a level, again very simple.

Also check out the documentation page for more info.

Let me know how you get on.

Thanks again mate.

I understand now, but if I try to move ex. a tree, and save the file again. I get up a long error list when I try to run it in sim.

What sort of errors?

Also I forgot to mention, when copying another project you should go to tools>options and set the export folder for the project.

If you are still having problems, email me your project and I’ll take a look (support@retrofitproductions.com)


Ah, sorry, I think you’re using the wrong export type, change it to ‘From Template’ and locate the ‘Corona_templateG2.lua’ file from the Level Director installation folder under templates.

I think this will resolve all your issues  :slight_smile:

Can’t seem to find that file.

I’ll take a look again, I’ll be back in about 2 hours, I’ll let you know :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help so far, pal!

I must be some kind of an idiot, I can’t find that file

The only thing I see in the LD Installation folder is the " Examples " folder…

I finally found it, hehe. Thanks

Excellent, let me know how you get on.

Is there a way to let a player draw a bezier ? 

Do you mean via the app i.e. outside of Level Director?

In theory you could let the player plots points and then create the Bezier via the createobject function, passing in the correct params.

I mean if I make a game, were the objective is for the player to draw a line so the ball can get to the " finish line etc " 

Just a example



I’m just fooling around with LD and Corona.

I got one question, I’m just trying to get a BG picture to show up on the Corona Simulator.
But I can’t get it to work, going insane!

Here’s my main.lua code : 


display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) local LD = require ("lib.LD\_LoaderG2") local myLevel = {} myLevel = LD:loadLevel("Level01")

Here’s my Config.Lua code : 


application = { content = { fps = 60, width = 320, height = 480, scale = "zoomStretch" }, LevelDirectorSettings = { imagesSubFolder = "images", levelsSubFolder = "levels", } }

I’m getting this LONG list of errors, when I try to open it in the SIM.

Do you have any idea why ? 


Please email me your project and I’ll take a look for you.

What errors are you getting?

Also a quick check list (based on your config file);

  1. Export type = ‘From Template’ and you have specified the ‘Corona_templateG2.lua’ as the template
  2. Your images exist in the ‘images’ sub folder of your project e.g. myProject/images
  3. In project settings your export folder is set to ‘levels’

Also I created a quick start guide which may help;


This is so basic, and yet I can’t figure it out

I’ve made a Project folder called " Test " and in the test folder I have these files / folders 



You haven’t started physics.

Add these 2 lines at the top of your code

local physics = require ("physics") physics.start()  

It should then work.