Level Director Vs. LevelHelper

Hello there,

I am just curious what’s the difference between Level Director and LevelHelper. They both seem to do the same thing, but what advantages of Level Director in comparison to LevelHelper.

Thank you.


I was an early adopter of Level Director (LD), the main reason being that it was made for Windows users whereas Level Helper (LH) is aimed at Mac users.

With regards to LD I cannot praise it enough, I have seen it grow and continue to grow and the support is simply amazing, the author goes the extra mile to resolve issues and even help with general questions.

As with any of these tools there can a learning curve and I know retrofit are working on some new tutorial videos which will help.

I like the fact that LD was built for Corona (although it can be used for other SDKs) so all the physics properties, animations and collision info translate directly to Corona.

I think with LH you need to also purchase SpriteHelper whereas LD allows you to use normal fixed sprite sheets, texture packer and the free shoe box sprite sheet tool which is great.

As I do not own a Mac I cannot comment about LH.

Hope this helps.


I was an early adopter of Level Director (LD), the main reason being that it was made for Windows users whereas Level Helper (LH) is aimed at Mac users.

With regards to LD I cannot praise it enough, I have seen it grow and continue to grow and the support is simply amazing, the author goes the extra mile to resolve issues and even help with general questions.

As with any of these tools there can a learning curve and I know retrofit are working on some new tutorial videos which will help.

I like the fact that LD was built for Corona (although it can be used for other SDKs) so all the physics properties, animations and collision info translate directly to Corona.

I think with LH you need to also purchase SpriteHelper whereas LD allows you to use normal fixed sprite sheets, texture packer and the free shoe box sprite sheet tool which is great.

As I do not own a Mac I cannot comment about LH.

Hope this helps.