Level Director X Released for Mac and Windows

Level Director X V1.0.3 has just been released (use the free version to download the update)

  • Feature - Import physics now supports non-xml spritesheets and images.
  • Feature - Improved Import physics matching when used with Texturepacker to omit file extension
  • Feature - Show wait cursor when pasting objects
  • Bug - Fixed typo on polygon object name
  • Feature - Added CTRL+P shortcut to disable/enable snap to grid.
  • Feature - Improved number sequencing when copying/pasting objects.
  • Bug - Corrected exported template name in example projects
  • Bug - Fixed follow path code in LDX_Helper file when end of path reached

Apologies if you tried to download v1.0.3 but received v1.0.2, this has been corrected now, so please try the download again.

Level Director X V1.0.5 Released (use the free version to download the update)

  • Feature - OSX - Enabled shortcut key for toggling full screen.
  • Feature - Changed object selection rectangle to appear on top of all objects
  • Feature - New Metal Slug example added
  • Feature - Polygon, Path and Bezier objects no longer created as display objects if visible set to false, for use when just the data points are needed.
  • Feature - CTRL+D short cut added to duplicate selected object(s)
  • Feature - New option added to preferences to order the layers from bottom to top in the layer tree.
  • Bug - Avoid creating extra blank lines when copying project template.
  • Bug - Physics import no longer fails if circle objects found.
  • Bug - Fixed Level Resize when applying offset values to objects.
  • Bug - Fill image would use incorrect frame index when part of a sprite sheet.
  • Bug - Export correct size for polygon objects
  • Bug - Sprite sheets that have changed are now reloaded on start-up.
  • Bug - ‘Delete’ short cut indicator missing from context menu.
  • Bug - LDX_Helper - anchor points now set before applying physics.

Missed from the release notes:

  • Feature - Anchor points now have a range from -10 to +10 as opposed to -1 to +1.

Great! Thanks for this update!

@gamedeveloper, thanks for your constructive input, you’ll notice many of your ideas/requests are included in this release, more to follow…

Level Director X V1.0.4 has just been released (use the free version to download the update)

  • Bug - Category bit now exported correctly
  • Bug - Maskbit now exported correctly 
  • Bug - SetLimits not working for ‘piston’ joints
  • Feature - Parallax Damping property added to Level
  • Feature - LD_HelperX parallax scrolling functions updated to support damping
  • Feature - Physics Body - Linear Damping added
  • Feature - Physics Body - Angular Damping added
  • Feature - Physics Body - Gravity Scale added
  • Feature - Physics Body - Group Index added
  • Feature - Corona Export Template and LDX_Helper updated to support new Physic Body properties.
  • Feature - Follow path now supports polygons in additon to polylines and beziers
  • Feature - LD_HelperX follow path functions updated to support polygons and constant speed across all nodes.
  • Feature - Scroller example updated to support parallax damping and better bounds checking.
  • Feature - Object User Properties can now be accessed via ‘property’ e.g myobj.property[‘userprop1’]
  • Feature - New Follow Path example added

@retrofitProductions Thank you for amazing LDX. It’s very useful. 

My suggestion:

Maybe add menu or list for convenient controlling layers? Like on image


There is a ‘Layer’ window already, can you not see this?


From here you can add, delete, rename and move layers, and maintain all the objects within a layer.

Yep. It was off.

Thank you!!!)))

No problem, a little difficult to use without the layer window  :slight_smile:

Also, in case you were not aware, it is possible to move these dockable windows about and even create tabbed windows by dragging one dock into another.

Level Director X V1.0.5 Released (use the free version to download the update)

  • Feature - OSX - Enabled shortcut key for toggling full screen.
  • Feature - Changed object selection rectangle to appear on top of all objects
  • Feature - New Metal Slug example added
  • Feature - Polygon, Path and Bezier objects no longer created as display objects if visible set to false, for use when just the data points are needed.
  • Feature - CTRL+D short cut added to duplicate selected object(s)
  • Feature - New option added to preferences to order the layers from bottom to top in the layer tree.
  • Bug - Avoid creating extra blank lines when copying project template.
  • Bug - Physics import no longer fails if circle objects found.
  • Bug - Fixed Level Resize when applying offset values to objects.
  • Bug - Fill image would use incorrect frame index when part of a sprite sheet.
  • Bug - Export correct size for polygon objects
  • Bug - Sprite sheets that have changed are now reloaded on start-up.
  • Bug - ‘Delete’ short cut indicator missing from context menu.
  • Bug - LDX_Helper - anchor points now set before applying physics.

Missed from the release notes:

  • Feature - Anchor points now have a range from -10 to +10 as opposed to -1 to +1.

Great! Thanks for this update!

@gamedeveloper, thanks for your constructive input, you’ll notice many of your ideas/requests are included in this release, more to follow…

Level Director X V1.1.0 Released (use the free version to download the update)

* Feature - Preferences, added option to avoid sub pixel positions.

* Feature - Duplicated levels now appear as ‘untitled’ to prompt saveAs with the project folder as the default.

* Feature - The ‘Export Name’ is now defaulted to the file name for duplicated levels.

* Feature - Margin now only updates when preference dialog is closed rather than dynamically.

* Feature - User Properties defined at Asset level are now exported down to associated object instances.

* Bug - Fix spritesheet load for when frames change.

* Bug - Guide line is now shown on top of all objects when drawing polygon type objects.

* Bug - Asset size is reloaded in case it has changed.

* Bug - Fixed ‘button’ export to specify correct frame for ‘down’ fill image.

* Bug - Objects moved to different layer retain their original name.

* Bug - Fixed bug in setLayerVisible function in LD_LoaderX for objects with no view.

* Bug - Fix bug in LD_HelperX button disable function.

* Bug - When showing physics bodies, multi-body polygons would not render in the correct position if the object was flipped.

* Bug - Fixed crash when removing a Layer

@retrofitProductions Thank you for amazing LDX. It’s very useful. 

My suggestion:

Maybe add menu or list for convenient controlling layers? Like on image


There is a ‘Layer’ window already, can you not see this?


From here you can add, delete, rename and move layers, and maintain all the objects within a layer.

Yep. It was off.

Thank you!!!)))

No problem, a little difficult to use without the layer window  :slight_smile:

Also, in case you were not aware, it is possible to move these dockable windows about and even create tabbed windows by dragging one dock into another.

I finally got the time to test out Level Director X, but when I create a new project I can’t choose a project template or export template. Both of them are blank. Im using iMac with Sierra.

This is unfortunately caused by some new security features added to Sierra, which affects applications not purchased from the app store, where it scrambles folder locations.

Until I figure this out, there are some workarounds;

FYI - https://www.tekrevue.com/tip/gatekeeper-macos-sierra/